The environmentThe temperature inside of the house:  °CThe temperature outside of the house:  °C The temperature of the soil:  °C The temperature in the cellar:  °C The temperature of the external water:  °C The temperature of the hot water:  °C How many hours per day the domestic hot water is necessary?:  h/day The necessary volume of hot water per person:  liters |
The houseThe number of persons:The perimeter:  m The tallness of the rooms:  m The floor surface:  m2 The cellar surface:  m2 The roof: |
The wallsThe type of the main structure:The thickness of the main structure layer:  cm The thickness of the insulation layer:  cm The type of insulation material: |
The floorThe material of main structure:The thickness of the main structure layer:  cm The thickness of the insulation layer:  cm The type of insulation material: |
The ceilingThe type of main structure:The thickness of the main structure layer:  cm The thickness of the insulation layer:  cm The type of insulation material: |
The windowsThe total surface of the windows:  m2Window frame: Window type: |