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  1. [BibTex] Sârbu C, Jäntschi L. Statistic validation and evaluation of analytical methods by comparative studies. I. Validation of analytical methods using regression analysis (in Romanian). Rev Chim 1998, 49(1): 19. Link
  2. [BibTex] Cimpoiu CV, Jäntschi L, Hodișan T. A new method for mobile phase optimization in high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). JPC-J Planar Chromatogr-Mod TLC 1998, 11: 191. Link
  3. [BibTex] Cimpoiu CV, Jäntschi L, Hodișan T. A new mathematical model for the optimization of the mobile phase composition in HPTLC and the comparison with other models. J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol 1999, 22(10): 1429. Link
  4. [BibTex] Pică EM, Jäntschi L. Simulation of diffusion equation. Acta Tech Napocensis Ser Appl Math Mech Eng 1999, 42(II): 47. Link
  5. [BibTex] Nașcu HI, Jäntschi L, Hodișan T, Cimpoiu CV, Câmpan G. Some applications of statistics in analytical chemistry. Rev Anal Chem 1999, XVIII(6): 409. Link
  6. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Mureșan S, Diudea MV. Modeling molar refraction and chromatographic retention by Szeged indices. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem 2000, XLV(1-2): 313. Link
  7. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Katona G, Diudea MV. Modeling molecular properties by Cluj indices. Match-Commun Math Chem 2000, 41: 151. Link
  8. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Free software development. 1. Fitting statistical regressions. Leonardo J Sci 2002, 1(1): 31. Link
  9. [BibTex] Ștefu M, Ungureșan ML, Jäntschi L. Free software development. 2. Chemical database management. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2002, 1(1): 69. Link
  10. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Nașcu HI. Free software development. 3. Numerical description of soft acid with soft base titration. Leonardo J Sci 2002, 1(1): 53. Link
  11. [BibTex] Diudea MV, Jäntschi L, Pejov L. Topological substituent descriptors. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2002, 1(1): 1. Link
  12. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Graph theory. 1. Fragmentation of structural graphs. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2002, 1(1): 19. Link
  13. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Graph theory. 2. Vertex descriptors and graph coloring. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2002, 1(1): 37. Link
  14. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. SQL by example. 1. Application for High School bachelor examination. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2003, 2(2): 20. Link
  15. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Cadariu Achimaș A. SQL by example. 2. PHP and MySQL web application based on Tanner-Whitehouse standard. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2003, 2(2): 37. Link
  16. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Kinetic biochemistry. Leonardo J Sci 2003, 2(2): 1. Link
  17. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. I386-based computer architecture and elementary data operations. Leonardo J Sci 2003, 2(3): 9. Link
  18. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Installing and testing a server operating system. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2003, 2(3): 1. Link
  19. [BibTex] Drugan T, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Cadariu Achimaș A. Binomial distribution sample confidence intervals estimation 1. Sampling and medical key parameters calculation. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2003, 2(3): 45. Link
  20. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Cadariu Achimaș A. Creating etiology/prognostic critical appraised topics CatRom original software for Romanian physicians. Appl Med Inform 2003, 13(3-4): 11. Link
  21. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Upload files to servers. Case study and implementation. Leonardo J Sci 2003, 2(2): 41. Link
  22. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Diudea MV. Data mining. 1. Glycine content estimation from activity coefficients measurement. Leonardo J Sci 2003, 2(2): 53. Link
  23. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. MDF - a new QSAR/QSPR molecular descriptors family. Leonardo J Sci 2004, 3(4): 68. Link
  24. [BibTex] Nașcu HI, Jäntschi L. Multiple choice examination system 1. Database design and implementation for general chemistry. Leonardo J Sci 2004, 3(5): 18. Link
  25. [BibTex] Nașcu HI, Jäntschi L. Multiple choice examination system 2. Online quizzes for general chemistry. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2004, 3(5): 26. Link
  26. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Cadariu Achimaș A. Creating diagnostic critical appraised topics. CatRom original software for romanian physicians. Appl Med Inform 2004, 14(1-2): 27. Link
  27. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Drugan T, Cadariu Achimaș A. Creating therapy studies critical appraised topics. CatRom original software for romanian physicians. Appl Med Inform 2004, 15(3-4): 26. Link
  28. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Delphi client - server implementation of multiple linear regression findings: a QSAR/QSPR application. Appl Med Inform 2004, 15(3-4): 48. Link
  29. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. QSPR on estimating of polychlorinated biphenyls relative response factor using molecular descriptors family. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2004, 3(5): 67. Link
  30. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Water activated carbon organics adsorption structure - property relationships. Leonardo J Sci 2004, 3(5): 63. Link
  31. [BibTex] Ursu O, Don M, Katona G, Jäntschi L, Diudea MV. QSAR study on dipeptide ace inhibitors. Carpathian J Math 2004, 20(2): 275. Link
  32. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Cadariu Achimaș A. Relational information in medicine: a challenge. Rentgenol i Radiol 2005, XLIV(1): 22. Link
  33. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Deneș C, Cadariu Achimaș A. Skeletal maturity assessment client-server application. Rentgenol i Radiol 2005, XLIV(3): 183. Link
  34. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 1. Review of the methodology. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2005, 4(6): 76. Link
  35. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 2. Insecticidal activity of neonicotinoid compounds. Leonardo J Sci 2005, 4(6): 78. Link
  36. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 3. Antituberculotic activity of some polyhydroxyxanthones. Leonardo J Sci 2005, 4(7): 58. Link
  37. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 4. Molar refraction of cyclic organophosphorus compounds. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2005, 4(7): 55. Link
  38. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Binomial distribution sample confidence intervals estimation for positive and negative likelihood ratio medical key parameters. Annu Symp Biomed Health Inform 2005, CD: 66. Link
  39. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Cadariu Achimaș A, Jäntschi L. Evidence-based guidelines assisted creation through interactive online environment. Appl Med Inform 2005, 17(3-4): 3. Link
  40. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Ungureșan ML, Bolboacă SD. Complex structural information integration: inhibitor activity on carbonic anhydrase II of substituted disulfonamides. Appl Med Inform 2005, 17(3-4): 12. Link
  41. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 5. Antimalarial activity of 2,4-diamino-6-quinazoline sulfonamide derivates. Leonardo J Sci 2006, 5(8): 77. Link
  42. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 6. Octanol-water partition coefficient of polychlorinated biphenyls. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2006, 5(8): 71. Link
  43. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Modeling of structure-toxicity relationship of alkyl metal compounds by integration of complex structural information. Ther Pharmacol Clin Toxicol 2006, X(1): 110. Link
  44. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Filip C, Țigan Ș, Jäntschi L. Antioxidant efficacy of 3-indolyl derivates by complex information integration. Clujul Med 2006, LXXIX(2): 204. Link
  45. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Pearson versus Spearman, Kendall's tau correlation analysis on structure-activity relationships of biologic active compounds. Leonardo J Sci 2006, 5(9): 179. Link
  46. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Auto-calibrated online evaluation: database design and implementation. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2006, 5(9): 179. Link
  47. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Modelling the inhibitory activity on carbonic anhydrase IV of substituted thiadiazole- and thiadiazoline- disulfonamides: integration of structure information. Electron J Biomed 2006, 2006(2): 22. Link
  48. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Mobile phase optimization method for steroids separation. Appl Med Inform 2006, 18(1-2): 17. Link
  49. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic: a case study. Int J Educ Dev using Inf Commun Technol 2007, 3(1): a242. Link
  50. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Communication of results on risk factors studies: confidence intervals. Leonardo J Sci 2007, 6(10): 179. Link
  51. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. The jungle of linear regression revisited. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2007, 6(10): 169. Link
  52. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Hodișan S, Cimpoiu CV, Hosu AD, Darvasi E, Hodișan T. Modeling of thin-layer chromatographic separation of androstane isomers. JPC-J Planar Chromatogr-Mod TLC 2007, 20(2): 91. Link
  53. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Antiallergic activity of substituted benzamides: characterization, estimation and prediction. Clujul Med 2007, LXXX(1): 125. Link
  54. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Data mining on structure-activity/property relationships models. World Appl Sci J 2007, 2(4): 323. Link
  55. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Mapping cigarettes similarities using cluster analysis methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2007, 4(3): 233. Link
  56. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Virtual environment for continuing medical education. Electron J Biomed 2007, 2007(2): 19. Link
  57. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Similarities analysis on hydroxyapatite-Zirconia composites. Leonardo J Sci 2007, 11(6): 153. Link
  58. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Structure versus biological role of substituted thiadiazole- and thiadiazoline- disulfonamides. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Phys 2007, 12(1): 50. Link
  59. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Triazines herbicidal assessed activity. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Phys 2007, 12(1): 57. Link
  60. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Diudea MV. Chromatographic retention times of polychlorinated biphenyls: from structural information to property characterization. Int J Mol Sci 2007, 8(11): 1125. Link
  61. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Structure-activity relationships on the molecular descriptors family project at the end. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2007, 6(11): 163. Link
  62. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Results from the Use of Molecular Descriptors Family on Structure Property/Activity Relationships. Int J Mol Sci 2007, 8(3): 189. Link
  63. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. How good can the characteristic polynomial be for correlations?. Int J Mol Sci 2007, 8(4): 335. Link
  64. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Design of experiments: useful orthogonal arrays for number of experiments from 4 to 16. Entropy 2007, 9(4): 198. Link
  65. [BibTex] Suciu I, Cosma C, Todică M, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Analysis of soil heavy metal pollution and pattern in central Transylvania. Int J Mol Sci 2008, 9(4): 434. Link
  66. [BibTex] Bălan MC, Damian M, Jäntschi L. Preliminary results on design and implementation of a solar radiation monitoring system. Sensors 2008, 8(2): 963. Link
  67. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Structure activity relationships of taxoids therein molecular descriptors family approach. Arch Med Sci 2008, 4(1): 7. Link
  68. [BibTex] Cosma C, Suciu I, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Ion-molecule reactions and chemical composition of emanated gases from Herculane spa geothermal sources. Int J Mol Sci 2008, 9(6): 1024. Link
  69. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. A structural modelling study on marine sediments toxicity. Mar Drugs 2008, 6(2): 372. Link
  70. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Modelling the property of compounds from structure: statistical methods for models validation. Environ Chem Lett 2008, 6(3): 175. Link
  71. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Popescu V, Bolboacă SD. Toxicity caused by para-substituents of phenole on tetrahymena pyriformis and structure-activity relationships. Electron J Biotechnol 2008, 11(3): a9. Link
  72. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Homo sapiens type I collagen: patterns analysis. Appl Med Inform 2008, 22(1-2): 39. Link
  73. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Pică EM, Cimpoiu CV, Jäntschi L. Statistical assessment of solvent mixtures models used for separation of biological active compounds. Molecules 2008, 13(8): 1617. Link
  74. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. A structural informatics study on collagen. Chem Biol Drug Des 2008, 71(2): 173. Link
  75. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Informational entropy of b-ary trees after a vertex cut. Entropy 2008, 10(4): 576. Link
  76. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Furdui CM. Characteristic and counting polynomials: modelling nonane isomers properties. Mol Simul 2009, 35(3): 220. Link
  77. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Sestraș RE. Hard problems in gene sequence analysis: classical approaches and suitability of genetic algorithms. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip 2009, 23(2): 1275. Link
  78. [BibTex] Sestraș RE, Pamfil DC, Sestraș AF, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Dan CI. Inheritance of vigour tree in f1 apple interspecific hybrid. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Na 2009, 37(2): 70. Link
  79. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Comparison of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Model Performances on Carboquinone Derivatives. Sci World J 2009, 9(10): 1148. Link
  80. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Bolboacă SD, Abrudan I, Jäntschi L. Student perception of degree of academic community involvement in academic life. Actual Probl Econ 2009, 11(101): 276. Link
  81. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Counting polynomials on regular iterative structures. Appl Med Inform 2009, 24(1-2): 67. Link
  82. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Marta MM, Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Molecular descriptors family on vertex cutting: relationships between acelazolamide structures and their inhibitory activity. Appl Med Inform 2009, 25(3-4): 65. Link
  83. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Sestraș RE. Statistical approaches in analysis of variance: from random arrangements to Latin square experimental design. Leonardo J Sci 2009, 8(15): 71. Link
  84. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Observation vs. observable: maximum likelihood estimations according to the assumption of generalized Gauss and Laplace distributions. Leonardo Electron J Pract Technol 2009, 8(15): 81. Link
  85. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Entropy due to fragmentation of dendrimers. Surv Math its Appl 2009, 4: 168. Link
  86. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Sestraș RE. Meta-heuristics on quantitative structure-activity relationships: study on polychlorinated biphenyls. J Mol Model 2010, 16(2): 377. Link
  87. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Sestraș RE. Classical approaches of genetic algorithms and their suitability. Asian J Chem 2010, 22(3): 2275. Link
  88. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Bolboacă SD, Abrudan I, Jäntschi L. The role of the academic community in defining the professional route: students' perception. Actual Probl Econ 2010, 103(1): 277. Link
  89. [BibTex] Ciobotaru T, Frunzeti D, Jäntschi L. Method for analyzing epicyclic gearboxes. Int J Automot Technol 2010, 11(2): 167. Link
  90. [BibTex] Ciobotaru T, Frunzeti D, Rus I, Jäntschi L. Method for analysing multi-path power flow transmissions. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B-J Eng Manuf 2010, 224(9): 1447. Link
  91. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Exact probabilities on confidence limits for binomial samples: applied to the difference between two proportions. Sci World J 2010, 10(5): 865. Link
  92. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Sestraș RE. A study of genetic algorithm evolution on the lipophilicity of polychlorinated biphenyls. Chem Biodivers 2010, 7(8): 1978. Link
  93. [BibTex] Sestraș RE, Dan C, Pamfil D, Sestraș AF, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. The variability of juvenile period, fruits size and response to diseases attack on F-1 interspecific apple hybrids and the efficiency of selection. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Na 2010, 38(1): 234. Link
  94. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Bălan M, Sestraș RE, Diudea MV. Results of evolution supervised by genetic algorithms. Not Sci Biol 2010, 2(3): 12. Link
  95. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Sestraș RE. Recording evolution supervised by a genetic algorithm for quantitative structure-activity relationship optimization. Appl Med Inform 2010, 26(2): 89. Link
  96. [BibTex] Bălan MC, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Damian M. Thermal solar collector behaviour in Romania. Pol J Environ Stud 2010, 19(1): 231. Link
  97. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Marta MM, Jäntschi L. Binding affinity of triphenyl acrylonitriles to estrogen receptors: quantitative structure-activity relationships. Folia Med 2010, 52(3): 37. Link
  98. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Diudea MV. Centrality of some cubic graphs on 16 vertices. J Indian Chem Soc 2010, 87(12): 1531. Link
  99. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Bălan MC, Diudea MV, Sestraș RE. State of art in genetic algorithms for agricultural systems. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Na 2010, 38(3): 51. Link
  100. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Sestraș RE. Dependence between determination coefficient and number of regressors: a case study on retention times of mycotoxins. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem 2011, LVI(1): 157. Link
  101. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Predictivity approach for quantitative structure-property models. application for blood-brain barrier permeation of diverse drug-like compounds. Int J Mol Sci 2011, 12(7): 4348. Link
  102. [BibTex] Hosu AD, Cimpoiu CV, Miclăuș V, Jäntschi L. Antioxidant content of three different varieties of wine grapes. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip 2011, 25(1): 2217. Link
  103. [BibTex] Hosu AD, Cimpoiu CV, Pop N, Miclăuș V, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. The analysis of different factors affecting the red wines antioxidant content. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Na 2011, 39(1): 159. Link
  104. [BibTex] Sestraș AF, Pamfil D, Dan C, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Sestraș RE. Possibilities to improve apple scab (venturia inaequalis (cke.) wint.) and powdery mildew [podosphaera leucotricha (ell. et everh.) salm.] resistance on apple by increasing genetic diversity using potentials of wild species. Aust J Crop Sci 2011, 5(6): 748. Link
  105. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Sestraș AF, Sestraș RE, Pamfil DC. Pearson-Fisher chi-square statistic revisited. Information 2011, 2(3): 528. Link
  106. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Baciu AD, Sestraș RE. Griffing experimental method II: step-by-step descriptive and inferential analysis of variances. JP J Biostat 2011, 6(1): 31. Link
  107. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Distributing correlation coefficients of linear structure-activity/property models. Leonardo J Sci 2011, 10(19): 27. Link
  108. [BibTex] Popa DM, Oprean L, Jäntschi L. Neural network on photodegradation of octylphenol using natural and artificial UV radiation. Appl Med Inform 2011, 29(3): 1. Link
  109. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Computer assisted geometry optimization for in silico modeling. Appl Med Inform 2011, 29(3): 11. Link
  110. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Sobolu RC, Bolboacă SD. An analysis of the distribution of seed size: a case study of the gymnosperms. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Na 2012, 40(2): 46. Link
  111. [BibTex] Sestraș RE, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Poisson parameters of antimicrobial activity: a quantitative structure-activity approach. Int J Mol Sci 2012, 13(4): 5207. Link
  112. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Sestraș RE. A simulation study for the distribution law of relative moments of evolution. Complexity 2012, 17(6): 52. Link
  113. [BibTex] Ciobotaru T, Frunzeti D, Rus I, Jäntschi L. The working regime analysis of a track-type tractor. Int J Heavy Veh Syst 2012, 19(2): 172. Link
  114. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD, Diudea MV. Molecular design and QSARs with molecular descriptors family. Curr Comput-Aided Drug Des 2013, 9(2): 195. Link
  115. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Sestraș RE, Bolboacă SD. Modeling the antioxidant capacity of red wine from different production years and sources under censoring. Comput Math Method Med 2013, 267360. Link
  116. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Supervised evolution: research concerning the number of evolutions that occur under certain constraints. Chem Biol Drug Des 2013, 82(5): 603. Link
  117. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. The effect of leverage and influential on structure-activity relationships. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen 2013, 16(4): 288. Link
  118. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Roșca DD, Jäntschi L. Structure-activity relationships from natural evolution. Match-Commun Math Chem 2014, 71(1): 149. Link
  119. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Rarefaction on natural compound extracts diversity among genus. J Comput Sci 2014, 5(3): 363. Link
  120. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of predictive models on phenols toxicity. J Comput Sci 2014, 5(3): 345. Link
  121. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. First order derivatives of thermodynamic functions under assumption of no chemical changes revisited. J Comput Sci 2014, 5(4): 597. Link
  122. [BibTex] Hășmășanu MG, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L, Zaharie GC, Drugan TC. Design and implementation of data collection instruments for neonatology research. Appl Med Inform 2014, 35(4): 35. Link
  123. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Distribution on contingency of alignment of two literal sequences under constrains. Acta Biotheor 2015, 63(1): 55. Link
  124. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Pruteanu LL, Cozma AC, Bolboacă SD. Inside of the linear relation between dependent and independent variables. Comput Math Method Med 2015, 360752. Link
  125. [BibTex] Hârșa AM, Hârșa TE, Jäntschi L, Diudea MV. QSAR study on testosterone derivatives. J Chem Pharm Res 2015, 7(3): 2281. Link
  126. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Szeged Matrix Property Indices as descriptors to characterize fullerenes. Ovidius Univ Ann Chem 2016, 27(2): 73. Link
  127. [BibTex] Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Nano-quantitative structure-property relationship modeling on C42 fullerene isomers. J Chem 2016, 2016: 1791756. Link
  128. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bálint D, Pruteanu LL, Bolboacă SD. Elemental factorial study on one-cage pentagonal faces nanostructure congeners. Materials Discovery 2016, 5: 14. Link
  129. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bálint D, Bolboacă SD. Multiple linear regressions by maximizing the likelihood under assumption of generalized Gauss-Laplace distribution of the error. Comput Math Method Med 2016, 8578156. Link
  130. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Study of geometrical shaping of linear chained polymers stabilized as helixes. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem 2016, 61(4): 131. Link
  131. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Property-property relationships for monosaccharides. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem 2017, 62(2): 33. Link
  132. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Performances of Shannon’s Entropy Statistic in Assessment of Distribution of Data. Ovidius Univ Ann Chem 2017, 28(2): 30. Link
  133. [BibTex] Pruteanu LL, Jäntschi L, Crăciunaș C. Molecular level investigation of staphylococci's resistance mechanisms to antibiotics. Not Sci Biol 2017, 9(3): 307. Link
  134. [BibTex] Joița DM, Jäntschi L. Extending the Characteristic Polynomial for Characterization of C20 Fullerene Congeners. Mathematics 2017, 5(4): 84. Link
  135. [BibTex] Sestraș AF, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Using the Griffing's experimental design method I, model II. Apple breeding - a case study as a proposed methodology of the statistical and genetic analysis. Genetika 2018, 50(1): 107. Link
  136. [BibTex] Cozma AC, Grozav A, Tarca IC, Zaharia V, Bolboacă SD, Jäntschi L. Understanding the chromatographic properties and cytotoxicity of hidrazinoselenazole compounds by computational study. Rev Chim 2018, 69(4): 777. Link
  137. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Computation of probability associated with Anderson-Darling statistic. Mathematics 2018, 6(6): 88. Link
  138. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Conformational study of C24 cyclic polyyne clusters. Int J Quantum Chem 2018, 118: e25614. Link
  139. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Structure-property relationships for solubility of monosaccharides. Appl Water Sci 2019, 9(2): 38. Link
  140. [BibTex] Bálint D, Jäntschi L. Missing data calculation using the antioxidant activity in selected herbs. Symmetry 2019, 11(6): 779. Link
  141. [BibTex] Sharma JR, Kumar D, Jäntschi L. On a reduced cost higher order Traub-Steffensen-like method for nonlinear systems. Symmetry 2019, 11(7): 891. Link
  142. [BibTex] Sharma JR, Kumar S, Jäntschi L. On a class of optimal fourth order multiple root solvers without using derivatives. Symmetry 2019, 11(12): 1452. Link
  143. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. A test detecting the outliers for continuous distributions based on the cumulative distribution function of the data being tested. Symmetry 2019, 11(6): 835. Link
  144. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. The eigenproblem translated for alignment of molecules. Symmetry 2019, 11(8): 1027. Link
  145. [BibTex] Kumar D, Sharma JR, Jäntschi L. Convergence analysis and complex geometry of an efficient derivative-free iterative method. Mathematics 2019, 7(10): 919. Link
  146. [BibTex] Janežic D, Jäntschi L, Bolboacă SD. Sugars and sweeteners: structure, properties and in silico modeling. Curr Med Chem 2020, 27(1): 5. Link
  147. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Detecting extreme values with order statistics in samples from continuous distributions. Mathematics 2020, 8(2): 216. Link
  148. [BibTex] Sharma JR, Kumar S, Jäntschi L. On derivative free multiple-root finders with optimal fourth order convergence. Mathematics 2020, 8(7): 1091. Link
  149. [BibTex] Kumar S, Kumar D, Sharma JR, Jäntschi L. A family of derivative free optimal fourth order methods for computing multiple roots. Symmetry 2020, 12(12):1969. Link
  150. [BibTex] Kumar D, Sharma JR, Jäntschi L. A novel family of efficient weighted-Newton multiple root iterations. Symmetry 2020, 12(9): 1494. Link
  151. [BibTex] Tomescu MA, Jäntschi L, Rotaru DI. Figures of graph partitioning by counting, sequence and layer matrices. Mathematics 2021, 9(12): 1419. Link
  152. [BibTex] Kumar D, Kumar S, Sharma JR, Jäntschi L. Convergence analysis and dynamical nature of an efficient iterative method in Banach spaces. Mathematics 2021, 9(19): 2510. Link
  153. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Formulas, algorithms and examples for binomial distributed data confidence interval calculation: excess risk, relative risk and odds ratio. Mathematics 2021, 9(19): 2506. Link
  154. [BibTex] Joița DM, Tomescu MA, Bálint D, Jäntschi L. An application of the eigenproblem for biochemical similarity. Symmetry 2021, 13(10): 1849. Link
  155. [BibTex] Bálint D, Jäntschi L. Comparison of molecular geometry optimization methods based on molecular descriptors. Mathematics 2021, 9(22): 2855. Link
  156. [BibTex] Pruteanu LL, Braicu C, MÓdos D, Jurj MA, Raduly LZ, Zănoagă O, Magdo L, Cojocneanu R, Pașca S, Moldovan C, Moldovan AI, Țigu AB, Gurzău E, Jäntschi L, Bender A, Neagoe Berindan I. Targeting cell death mechanism specifically in triple negative breast cancer cell lines. Int J Mol Sci 2022, 23(9): 4784. Link
  157. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Binomial distributed data confidence interval calculation: Formulas, algorithms and examples. Symmetry 2022, 14(6): 1104. Link
  158. [BibTex] Kumar S, Bhagwan J, Jäntschi L. Optimal derivative-free one-point algorithms for computing multiple zeros of nonlinear equations. Symmetry 2022, 14(09): 1881. Link
  159. [BibTex] Roman MD, Sava C, Varvara Iluțiu DA, Mare R, Pruteanu LL, Pică EM, Jäntschi L. Biological activated sludge from wastewater treatment plant before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022, 19(18): 11323. Link
  160. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Energetics of C8B8N8, N12B12, and C24 Macrocycles and Two [4]Catenanes. Foundations 2022, 2(3): 781. Link
  161. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Modelling of acids and bases revisited. Stud Univ Babes-Bolyai Chem 2022, 66(4): 73. Link
  162. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Introducing structural symmetry and asymmetry implications in development of recent pharmacy and medicine. Symmetry 2022, 14(8): 1674. Link
  163. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Postface for Applied Designs in Chemical Structures with High Symmetry. Symmetry 2022, 14(10): 2044. Link
  164. [BibTex] Singh T, Arora H, Jäntschi L. A family of higher order scheme for multiple roots. Symmetry 2023, 15(1): 228. Link
  165. [BibTex] Pruteanu LL, Bailey DS, Grădinaru AC, Jäntschi L. The biochemistry and effectiveness of antioxidants in food, fruits, and marine algae. Antioxidants 2023, 12(4): 860. Link
  166. [BibTex] Kumar S, Bhagwan J, Jäntschi L. Numerical simulation of multiple roots of Van der Waals and CSTR problems with derivative-free technique. AIMS Math 2023, 8(6): 14288-14299. Link
  167. [BibTex] Thangkhenpau G, Panday S, Mittal SK, Jäntschi L. Novel Parametric Families of with and without Memory Iterative Methods for Multiple Roots of Nonlinear Equations. Mathematics 2023, 11(9): 2036. Link
  168. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Symmetry in regression analysis - perpendicular offsets - the case of a photovoltaic cell. Symmetry 2023, 15(4): 948. Link
  169. [BibTex] Kumar S, Sharma JR, Bhagwan J, Jäntschi L. Numerical solution of nonlinear problems with multiple roots using derivative-free algorithms. Symmetry 2023, 15(6): 1249. Link
  170. [BibTex] Kansal M, Kaur M, Rani L, Jäntschi L. A cubic class of iterative procedures for finding the generalized inverses. Mathematics 2023, 11(13): 3031. Link
  171. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Nanoporous carbon, its pharmaceutical applications and metal organic frameworks. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem 2023, 103(7-8): 245. Link
  172. [BibTex] Thangkhenpau G, Panday S, Bolunduț LC, Jäntschi L. Efficient families of multi-point iterative methods and their self-acceleration with memory for solving nonlinear equations. Symmetry 2023, 15(8): 1546. Link
  173. [BibTex] Joița DM, Tomescu MA, Jäntschi L. Counting Polynomials in Chemistry: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Symmetry 2023, 15(10): 1815. Link
  174. [BibTex] Sharma E, Panday S, Mittal SK, Joița DM, Pruteanu LL, Jäntschi L. Derivative-Free Families of With- and Without-Memory Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations and Their Engineering Applications. Mathematics 2023, 11(21): 4512. Link
  175. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Eigenproblem basics and algorithms. Symmetry 2023, 15(11), 2046. Link
  176. [BibTex] Mittal SK, Panday S, Jäntschi L. Enhanced ninth-order memory-based iterative technique for efficiently solving nonlinear equations. Mathematics 2024, 12(22): 3490. Link
  177. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Connecting the Computer Skills with General Performance of Companies--An Eastern European Study. Sustainability 2024, 16(22): 10024. Link
  178. [BibTex] Pruteanu LL, Mare R, Mihalescu B, Jäntschi L. Bio-food quality, environmental pollution, and the role of algae in promoting human health and sustainability. Life 2024, 14(11): 1513. Link
  179. [BibTex] Kansal M, Sharma V, Rani L, Jäntschi L. A novel class of fourth-order derivative-free iterative methods to obtain multiple zeros and their basins of attraction. AIMS Math 2024, 9(12): 35823. Link
  180. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Louzazni M. Accelerating Convergence for the Parameters of PV Cell Models. Math Comput Appl 2024, 29(1): 4. Link
  181. [BibTex] Thangkhenpau G, Panday S, Panday B, Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Generalized high-order iterative methods for solutions of nonlinear systems and their applications. AIMS Math 2024, 9(3): 6161. Link
  182. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Putz MV, Jäntschi L. Is triple crossed C28 cyclic polyyne cluster a stable conformation?. Fuller Nanotub Carbon Nanostruct 2024, 32(1): 55. Link
  183. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Circular economy similarities in a group of eastern european countries: Orienting towards sustainable development. Sustainability 2024, 16(4): 1593. Link
  184. [BibTex] Kumar S, Sharma JR, Jäntschi L. Optimal fourth-order methods for multiple zeros: Design, convergence analysis and applications. Axioms 2024, 13(3): 143. Link
  185. [BibTex] Kansal M, Sharma V, Sharma P, Jäntschi L. A globally convergent iterative method for matrix sign function and its application for determining the eigenvalues of a matrix pencil. Symmetry 2024, 16(4), 481. Link
  186. [BibTex] Sava C, Varvara Iluțiu DA, Mare R, Roman MD, Rada S, Pică EM, Jäntschi L. Physico-chemical characterization and possible uses of sludge processed from an urban sewage treatment plant. Heliyon 2024, 10(8), e29576. Link
  187. [BibTex] Panday S, Mittal SK, Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. A New Adaptive Eleventh-Order Memory Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Equations. Mathematics 2024, 12(12): 1809. Link
  188. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Sustainable development of the economy - a case study of the impacts of the size of enterprises and factors affecting performance. Sustainability 2024, 16(13): 5376. Link
  189. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Triple crossed 3C26 cyclic cumulene catenane. Fuller Nanotub Carbon Nanostruct 2024, 32(10), 962. Link
  190. [BibTex] Kumar S, Sharma JR, Jäntschi L. An optimal family of eighth-order methods for multiple-roots and their complex dynamics. Symmetry 2024, 16(8), 1045. Link
  191. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Least squares for generalized Gauss-Laplace distribution of the error in certain nonlinear regressions with perpendicular offsets. Springer Proc Math Stat 2024, 446. Link
  192. [BibTex] Jäntschi L. Oxidation potential of 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives estimated by structure descriptors. Symmetry 2024, 16(10), 1320. Link
  193. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. A computer-based evaluation system: design, implementation and results on general chemistry. J Infras Policy Dev 2024, JIPD-8839. Link
  194. [BibTex] Joița DM, Jäntschi L. Counting Polynomials in Chemistry II. International Journal of Topology 2024, 1 (1) 13. Link
  195. [BibTex] Jäntschi L, Pruteanu LL. Geometry of C32 cyclic polyyne and some of its clusters. Carpathian J Math 2025, 41(2): 371. Link
  196. [BibTex] Kumar S, Khatri M, Vyas M, Kumar A, Dhankhar P, Jäntschi L. Enhanced ninth-order memory-based iterative technique for efficiently solving nonlinear equations. Mathematics 2025, 13(3): 523. Link
  197. [BibTex] Ungureanu EM, Ștefaniu A, Isopescu R, Mușina CE, Bujduveanu MR, Jäntschi L. Extended characteristic polynomial estimating the electrochemical behaviour of some 4-(azulen-1-yl)-2,6-divinylpyridine derivatives. J Electrochem Sci Eng 2025, In press. Link
  198. [BibTex] Stoenoiu CE, Jäntschi L. Analysis of the performance of some economies according to the size class of the enterprises. Acta Tech Napocensis Ser Appl Math Mech Eng 2025, In press.