My publications

My publications (articles, papers in conference proceedings, presentations and posters at conferences, book chapters and books). Count: 411
  1. [article in journal] Costel SÂRBU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 1998. Statistic validation and evaluation of analytical methods by comparative studies. I. Validation of analytical methods using regression analysis (in Romanian). Revista de Chimie (ISSN 2537-5733, 1582-9049) 49(1): 19 - 24. Link.
  2. [article in journal] Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Teodor HODIȘAN, 1998. A new method for mobile phase optimization in high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC (ISSN 0933-4173) 11: 191 - 194. Link.
  3. [article in journal] Horea I. NAȘCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Teodor HODIȘAN, Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Gabriela CÂMPAN, 1999. Some applications of statistics in analytical chemistry. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (ISSN 0793-0135) XVIII(6): 409 - 456. DOI 10.1515/REVAC.1999.18.6.409. Link.
  4. [article in journal] Elena M. PICĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 1999. Simulation of diffusion equation. Acta Tehnica Napocensis, series Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ISSN 1221-5872) 42(II): 47 - 54. Link.
  5. [article in journal] Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Teodor HODIȘAN, 1999. A new mathematical model for the optimization of the mobile phase composition in HPTLC and the comparison with other models. Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies (ISSN 1082-6076, 1520-572X) 22(10): 1429 - 1441. Link.
  6. [article in proceeding] Liana T. MARTA, Ion G. DEAC, Victor FRUTH, Maria ZAHARESCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2000. High-Tc superconducting materials. The influence of Pb addition on the tc and magnetic properties. Second International Conference on Powder Metallurgy (ISBN 973-9471-50-1, 973-9741-52-8), 2: 633 - 636. Link.
  7. [article in proceeding] Liana T. MARTA, Ion G. DEAC, Victor FRUTH, Maria ZAHARESCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2000. High-Tc superconducting materials. Comparative study: coprecipitation vs solid state phase preparation. Second International Conference on Powder Metallurgy (ISBN 973-9471-50-1, 973-9741-52-8), 2: 627 - 632. Link.
  8. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Romeo CHIRA, 2000. Chimia și biochimia poluanților - lucrări practice. Cluj-Napoca: UTPres ISBN 973-9471-46-3 p.1 113. Link.
  9. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Simona MUREȘAN, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2000. Modeling molar refraction and chromatographic retention by Szeged indices. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154) XLV(1-2): 313 - 318. Link.
  10. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Gabriel KATONA, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2000. Modeling molecular properties by Cluj indices. MATCH-Communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) 41: 151 - 188. Link.
  11. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Delia M. GLIGOR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2001. Desulfuration of waste gases from industrial processes. Electrochemical methods. Oradea University Annals, Chemistry Fascicle (ISSN 1224-7626), VIII: 25 - 30. Link.
  12. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Delia M. GLIGOR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2001. Desulfuration of waste gases from industrial processes. Chemical methods. Oradea University Annals, Chemistry Fascicle (ISSN 1224-7626), VIII: 19 - 24. Link.
  13. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2001. Parallel processing of statistical data. C++ applications. Oradea University Annals, Mathematics Fascicle (ISSN 1221-1265), VIII: 105 - 112. Link.
  14. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2001. Chimie fizică: cinetică și dinamică moleculară. Cluj-Napoca: Mediamira ISBN 973-9358-71-3 p.1 159. Link.
  15. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2001. Capitole speciale de chimie pentru automatică. Cluj-Napoca: UTPres ISBN 973-8335-15-9 p.1 202. Link.
  16. [book or book chapter] Mircea V. DIUDEA, Ivan GUTMAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2001 (1st ed.) & 2002 (2nd ed.). Molecular topology. Huntington: Nova Science ISBN 1-56072-957-0 p.1 332. Link.
  17. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2002. Correlations and regressions with MathLab. International Conference on Quality Control, Automation and Robotics (ISBN 973-9357-10-3), 1: 194 - 199. Link.
  18. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Horea I. NAȘCU, 2002. Numerical description of titration. International Conference on Quality Control, Automation and Robotics (ISBN 973-9357-10-3), 1: 259 - 262. Link.
  19. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena M. PICĂ, 2002. Numerical kinetic chemistry. International Conference on Quality Control, Automation and Robotics (ISBN 973-9357-10-3), 1: 263 - 268. Link.
  20. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Dana AVRAM (m. LUPȘA), 2002. Internet, browsers and local databases. International Conference on Quality Control, Automation and Robotics (ISBN 973-9357-11-1), 2: 516 - 521. Link.
  21. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Real time property investigation in sets of alloys. International Conference on Advanced Materials and Structures Proceedings (ISBN 973-8391-50-4), : 189 - 194. Link.
  22. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Property investigations with an automat correlation routine and applications for a set of alloys. Acta Tehnica Napocensis, series Machines Building. Materials (ISSN 1221-5872), 45(1): 296 - 301. Link.
  23. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Automat server side processing of statistical data. UNITECH'02 International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Technical University of Gabrovo (ISBN 954-683-167-0), : 185 - 189. Link.
  24. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2002. Chimie fizică. Experimente de analiză chimică și instrumentală. Cluj-Napoca: Amici ISBN 973-85727-0-3 p.1 120. Link.
  25. [book or book chapter] Horea I. NAȘCU, Liana T. MARTA, Elena M. PICĂ, Violeta POPESCU, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Chimie - îndrumator de lucrări practice. Cluj-Napoca: UTPres ISBN 973-8335-07-8 p.1 159. Link.
  26. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Analize chimice și instrumentale. Cluj-Napoca: UTPres ISBN 973-8335-19-1 p.1 138. Link.
  27. [article in journal] Monica ȘTEFU, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Free software development. 2. Chemical database management. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 1(1): 69 - 76. Link.
  28. [article in journal] Mircea V. DIUDEA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Ljupco PEJOV, 2002. Topological substituent descriptors. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 1(1): 1 - 18. Link.
  29. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Horea I. NAȘCU, 2002. Free software development. 3. Numerical description of soft acid with soft base titration. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 1(1): 53 - 68. Link.
  30. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Graph theory. 2. Vertex descriptors and graph coloring. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 1(1): 37 - 52. Link.
  31. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Graph theory. 1. Fragmentation of structural graphs. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 1(1): 19 - 36. Link.
  32. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2002. Free software development. 1. Fitting statistical regressions. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 1(1): 31 - 52. Link.
  33. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2003. PHP and MySql medical application based on Tanner Whitehouse standard. UNITECH'03 International Scientific Conference (ISBN 954-683-167-0), : 304 - 308. Link.
  34. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Simulation of kinetics chemical reactions. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Physica (ISSN 0370-8578, 2065-9415), XLVIII(1SI): 285 - 288. Link.
  35. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Modeling of statistical kinetics fast redox reactions data. Annals of West University of Timișoara, Series Chemistry (ISSN 1224-9513), 12(3): 285 - 292. Link.
  36. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Modeling and simulation izotopic separation cascade for 15N. Annals of West University of Timișoara, Series Chemistry (ISSN 1224-9513), 12(3): 277 - 284. Link.
  37. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Interactive students training and evaluation software for radioisotopes. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Physica (ISSN 0370-8578, 2065-9415), XLVIII(1SI): 274 - 277. Link.
  38. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Biochemical processes modeling. International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering BRAMAT 2003 (ISBN 973-635-122-X, 973-635-126-2), 4: 434 - 441. Link.
  39. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2003. Computer implementation of thermodynamic functions for using in the labs. International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering BRAMAT 2003 (ISBN 973-635-122-X, 973-635-125-4), 3: 131 - 136. Link.
  40. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mariana MARCU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2003. SQL application for secondary school leaving examination. UNITECH'03 International Scientific Conference (ISBN 954-683-167-0), :258 - 262. Link.
  41. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena ZAHARIEVA-STOYANOVA, 2003. Upload a file to a server. Case study. UNITECH'03 International Scientific Conference (ISBN 954-683-167-0), 274 - 276. Link.
  42. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena ZAHARIEVA-STOYANOVA, 2003. MathLab as tool for process modeling. International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering BRAMAT 2003 (ISBN 973-635-122-X, 973-635-125-4), 3: 137 - 142. Link.
  43. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena M. PICĂ, 2003. Numerical simulation of concurent diffusion and reaction. Annals of West University of Timișoara, Series Chemistry (ISSN 1224-9513), 12(3): 1107 - 1112. Link.
  44. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena M. PICĂ, 2003. New approach of well known oscilating reaction models. Annals of West University of Timișoara, Series Chemistry (ISSN 1224-9513), 12(3): 1169 - 1176. Link.
  45. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Elena M. PICĂ, 2003. Coals analysis by sample study. UNITECH'03 International Scientific Conference (ISBN 954-683-167-0), : 263 - 266. Link.
  46. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Delia M. GLIGOR, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2003. Acid-base titration numerical simulator. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Physica (ISSN 0370-8578, 2065-9415), XLVIII(1SI): 278 - 284. Link.
  47. [article in proceeding] Elena ZAHARIEVA-STOYANOVA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Detection of software data dependency in superscalar computer architecture execution. CSCS-14 14-th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (ISBN 973-8449-17-0, 973-8449-19-7), 2: 351 - 356. Link.
  48. [article in proceeding] Elena ZAHARIEVA-STOYANOVA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Application of software data dependency detection algorithm in superscalar computer architecture. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning) (ISBN 954-9641-33-3), : 107 - 112. Link.
  49. [article in proceeding] Elena M. PICĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Case study of coals Farcasesti area. 2. Dependencies including fixed carbon determinations. Annals of West University of Timișoara, Series Chemistry (ISSN 1224-9513), 12(3): 1137 - 1144. Link.
  50. [article in proceeding] Elena M. PICĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Case study of coals Farcasesti area. 1. Dependencies excluding fixed carbon determinations. Annals of West University of Timișoara, Series Chemistry (ISSN 1224-9513), 12(3): 1127 - 1136. Link.
  51. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2003. Analiză chimică și instrumentală aplicată. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect ISBN 973-86211-6-X p.1 60. Link.
  52. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Microbiologie și toxicologie. Studii fitosanitare. Cluj-Napoca: Amici ISBN 973-85727-3-8 p.1 183. Link.
  53. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Metrologia și monitorizarea mediului. Cluj-Napoca: Amici ISBN 973-85727-2-X p.1 148. Link.
  54. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Chimie fizică. Analize chimice și instrumentale. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect ISBN 973-86211-7-8 p.1 64. Link.
  55. [article in journal] Tudor DRUGAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2003. Binomial distribution sample confidence intervals estimation 1. Sampling and medical key parameters calculation. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 2(3): 45 - 74. Link.
  56. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2003. SQL by example. 2. PHP and MySQL web application based on Tanner-Whitehouse standard. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 2(2): 37 - 52. Link.
  57. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2003. Creating etiology/prognostic critical appraised topics CatRom original software for Romanian physicians. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 13(3-4): 11 - 16. Link.
  58. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2003. Data mining. 1. Glycine content estimation from activity coefficients measurement. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 2(2): 53 - 63. Link.
  59. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Upload files to servers. Case study and implementation. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 2(2): 41 - 52. Link.
  60. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. SQL by example. 1. Application for High School bachelor examination. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 2(2): 20 - 36. Link.
  61. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Kinetic biochemistry. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 2(2): 1 - 40. Link.
  62. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. Installing and testing a server operating system. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 2(3): 1 - 30. Link.
  63. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2003. I386-based computer architecture and elementary data operations. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 2(3): 9 - 23. Link.
  64. [article in proceeding] Oleg URSU, Marinela DON, Gabriel KATONA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2004. QSAR study on dipeptide ace inhibitors. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (ISSN 1222-1201), 20(2): 275 - 280. Link.
  65. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Training software for reaction kinetics via web. A&QT-R 2004 (THETA 14) 2004 IEEE-TTTC - International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (ISBN 973-713-046-4), 1: 383 - 388. Link.
  66. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Training and evaluation software for radioisotopes via web. A&QT-R 2004 (THETA 14) 2004 IEEE-TTTC - International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (ISBN 973-713-046-4), 1: 377 - 382. Link.
  67. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2004. Installation and configuration issues about FreeBSD operating system. A&QT-R 2004 (THETA 14) 2004 IEEE-TTTC - International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (ISBN 973-713-047-2), 2: 251 - 256. Link.
  68. [article in proceeding] Elena M. PICĂ, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Oxygen content analysis with current sensors. A&QT-R 2004 (THETA 14) 2004 IEEE-TTTC - International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (ISBN 973-713-046-4), 1: 471 - 472. Link.
  69. [article in proceeding] Elena M. PICĂ, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Amperometric sensors for the analysis of the oxygen content. Acta Tehnica Napocensis, series Machines Building. Materials (ISSN 1224-9106), 47: 91 - 98. Link.
  70. [book or book chapter] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Delia M. GLIGOR, 2004. Aplicații educaționale de chimie pe calculator. Cluj-Napoca: Mediamira ISBN 973-713-031-6 p.1 250. Link.
  71. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Tudor DRUGAN, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2004. Creating therapy studies critical appraised topics. CatRom original software for romanian physicians. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 15(3-4): 26 - 33. Link.
  72. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2004. Creating diagnostic critical appraised topics. CatRom original software for romanian physicians. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 14(1-2): 27 - 34. Link.
  73. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Water activated carbon organics adsorption structure - property relationships. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 3(5): 63 - 73. Link.
  74. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. QSPR on estimating of polychlorinated biphenyls relative response factor using molecular descriptors family. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 3(5): 67 - 84. Link.
  75. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. MDF - a new QSAR/QSPR molecular descriptors family. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 3(4): 68 - 85. Link.
  76. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Delphi client - server implementation of multiple linear regression findings: a QSAR/QSPR application. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 15(3-4): 48 - 55. Link.
  77. [article in journal] Horea I. NAȘCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Multiple choice examination system 2. Online quizzes for general chemistry. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 3(5): 26 - 36. Link.
  78. [article in journal] Horea I. NAȘCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2004. Multiple choice examination system 1. Database design and implementation for general chemistry. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 3(5): 18 - 33. Link.
  79. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Elena M. PICĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Desulphurisation of waste gases from the industrial processes. International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering BRAMAT 2005 (ISBN 973-635-454-7), 280 - 286. Link.
  80. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorin HODIȘAN, Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Ionela CETERAȘ, 2005. Analysis of some steroids by tlc using optimum mobile phases. Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Seria F Chemia (ISSN 1583-5030), 8(1): 67 - 76. Link.
  81. [article in proceeding] Delia M. GLIGOR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Periodic system of elements database and its applications. Oradea University Annals, Chemistry Fascicle (ISSN 1224-7626), 12: 180 - 194. Link.
  82. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2005. Molecular descriptors family on QSAR modeling of quinoline-based compounds biological activities. Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference; April 1-30;Online, Internet [10: 4]. Link
  83. [book or book chapter] Monica ȘTEFU, Daniela BUTYKA, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Bazil PÂRV, 2005. Algorithms for basic operations on maps. In: Nanostructures: novel architecture (Ed.: Mircea V. DIUDEA). Huntington: Nova Science. ISBN 1-59454-499-9 p.243 267. Link.
  84. [book or book chapter] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Chimie fizică: termodinamică și cinetică chimică. Cluj-Napoca: Mediamira ISBN 973-713-73-1 p.1 292. Link.
  85. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Microbiologie, toxicologie și studii fitosanitare. Cluj-Napoca: Academicdirect ISBN 973-86211-8-6 p.1 75. Link.
  86. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmencita DENEȘ, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2005. Skeletal maturity assessment client-server application. Roentgenologia & Radiologia (ISSN 0486-400X) XLIV(3): 183 - 193. Link.
  87. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, 2005. Relational information in medicine: a challenge. Roentgenologia & Radiologia (ISSN 0486-400X) XLIV(1): 22 - 25. Link.
  88. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 3. Antituberculotic activity of some polyhydroxyxanthones. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 4(7): 58 - 64. Link.
  89. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 2. Insecticidal activity of neonicotinoid compounds. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 4(6): 78 - 85. Link.
  90. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Binomial distribution sample confidence intervals estimation for positive and negative likelihood ratio medical key parameters. Annual Symposium on Biomedical and Health Informatics [Special Issue: from Foundations to Applications to Policy (Proc. CD, October 22-26, Washington D.C., USA)] (ISSN 1559-4076) CD: 66 - 70. Link.
  91. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Andrei ACHIMAȘ-CADARIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Evidence-based guidelines assisted creation through interactive online environment. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 17(3-4): 3 - 11. Link.
  92. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2005. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 4. Molar refraction of cyclic organophosphorus compounds. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 4(7): 55 - 102. Link.
  93. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2005. Complex structural information integration: inhibitor activity on carbonic anhydrase II of substituted disulfonamides. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 17(3-4): 12 - 21. Link.
  94. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2005. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 1. Review of the methodology. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 4(6): 76 - 98. Link.
  95. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Molecular descriptors family on structure-activity relationships: modeling herbicidal activity of substituted triazines class. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1454-2382), 62: 35 - 40. Link.
  96. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Computer-assisted training and evaluation system in evidence-based medicine. 11th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, July 14-16 (ISBN 0-7703-9016-1), 2006: 220 - 226. Link.
  97. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Assessment of an computer based curriculum in evidence-based medicine. 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 16-19 (ISBN 980-6560-65-5, 980-6560-92-2), 2006(eKCC): a3 - 5p. Link.
  98. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Ștefan ȚIGAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Molecular descriptors family on structure-activity relationships on anti-HIV-1 potencies of HEPTA and TIBO derivatives. Integrating Biomedical Information: From eCell to ePatient, April 6-8 (ISBN 3-89838-0722-6, 1-58603-614-9, 973-625-303-1), 2006: 110 - 114. Link.
  99. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Organizing guidelines models and clinical practice guidelines. 11th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, July 14-16 (ISBN 0-7703-9016-1), 2006: 328 - 338. Link.
  100. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Computer aided system for student's knowledge assessment. 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISBN 980-6560-65-5, 980-6560-65-3), 2006(1): 97 - 101. Link.
  101. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Undergraduate students assessment on materials chemistry topic using an auto-calibrated online system. International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CIS2E06) (ISBN 978-1-4020-6265-0), 217 - 222. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-6262-9_38. Link.
  102. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Activity characterization of triazines analogues: statistical parameters for models assessment. International Symposium on Organic Chemistry; December 9-12; Sofia, Bulgaria (ISBN 954-323-243-1, 978-954-323-243-7) [:48 - 49]. Plenary oral presentation. Link
  103. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, 2006. Mobile phase optimization in three solvents high performance thin-layer chromatography: methodology and evaluation. European Conference on Computational Chemistry; September 3-7; Tale, Slovakia [6: 46]. Link
  104. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Online system for molecular descriptors family on structure-activity relationships: assessment and characterization of biologic active compounds. European Conference on Computational Chemistry; September 3-7; Tale, Slovakia [6: 47]. Link
  105. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Molecular descriptors family on structure-activity and structure-property relationships: results. SizeMat: Workshop on Size-Dependent Effects in Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application; May 25-27; Varna, Bulgaria [FP6-EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414: 14 - 15]. Plenary oral presentation. Link
  106. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Modeling the octanol-water partition coefficient of substituted phenols: the use of structure information. Humboldt Conference on Computational Chemistry; June 24-28; Varna, Bulgaria (ISBN 954-323-199-0, 978-954-323-199-7) [3: 65 - 65]. Link
  107. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Interactive web application for evidence-based medicine training. World Congress on Internet in Medicine; October 14-19; Toronto, Canada (ISBN 1-897041-50-0) [11: 63 - 63]. Link
  108. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2006. Subgraphs by pairs of vertices. TOPMOL2006 - 20 Years Anniversary of Molecular Topology at Cluj; September 25-30; Cluj-Napoca, Romania [CEEx-M3-PR-D11-PT00-41: 16 - 16]. Plenary oral presentation. Link
  109. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Use of graph polynomials for characterization of alkanes properties. International Symposium on Organic Chemistry; December 9-12; Sofia, Bulgaria (ISBN 954-323-243-1, 978-954-323-243-7) [:87 - 88]. Link
  110. [presentation or poster at conference] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Computer-based testing in physical chemistry topic. Humboldt Conference on Computational Chemistry; June 24-28; Varna, Bulgaria (ISBN 954-323-199-0, 978-954-323-199-7) [3: 94 - 94]. Link
  111. [presentation or poster at conference] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Information theory and others for steroids separation. International Symposium on Organic Chemistry; December 9-12; Sofia, Bulgaria (ISBN 954-323-243-1, 978-954-323-243-7) [:89 - 89]. Link
  112. [presentation or poster at conference] Ștefan ȚIGAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Modeling herbicidal activity of a substituted triazines class by integration of compounds complex structural information. XXIII International Biometric Conference [TP1 - 0p]. Link
  113. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mădălina A. VĂLEANU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Programarea rapidă a aplicațiilor pentru baze de date relaționale. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect & AcademicPres ISBN 978-973-86211-4-5, 978-973-744-046-4 p.1 233. Link.
  114. [book or book chapter] Horea I. NAȘCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Chimie analitică și instrumentală. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect & AcademicPres ISBN 978-973-86211-4-5, 978-973-744-046-4 p.1 320. Link.
  115. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Pearson versus Spearman, Kendall's tau correlation analysis on structure-activity relationships of biologic active compounds. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 5(9): 179 - 200. Link.
  116. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Modeling of structure-toxicity relationship of alkyl metal compounds by integration of complex structural information. Therapeutics: Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology (ISSN 1583-0012) X(1): 110 - 114. Link.
  117. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Claudia FILIP, Ștefan ȚIGAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Antioxidant efficacy of 3-indolyl derivates by complex information integration. Clujul Medical (ISSN 1222-2119) LXXIX(2): 204 - 209. Link.
  118. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 6. Octanol-water partition coefficient of polychlorinated biphenyls. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 5(8): 71 - 86. Link.
  119. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Molecular descriptors family on structure activity relationships 5. Antimalarial activity of 2,4-diamino-6-quinazoline sulfonamide derivates. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 5(8): 77 - 88. Link.
  120. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Modelling the inhibitory activity on carbonic anhydrase IV of substituted thiadiazole- and thiadiazoline- disulfonamides: integration of structure information. Electronic Journal of Biomedicine (ISSN 1697-090X) 2006(2): 22 - 33. Link.
  121. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2006. Auto-calibrated online evaluation: database design and implementation. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 5(9): 179 - 192. Link.
  122. [article in journal] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2006. Mobile phase optimization method for steroids separation. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 18(1-2): 17 - 24. Link.
  123. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Modelling the inhibitory activity on carbonic anhydrase I of some substituted thiadiazole and thiadiazoline-disulfonamides: integration of structure information. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering (ISSN 1570-7946), 24(2007): 965 - 970. Link.
  124. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Amino acids sequences analysis on collagen. BUASVMCN. Animal science and Biotechnologies (ISSN 1843-5262, 1843-536X), 63-64: 311 - 316. Link.
  125. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Carmen E. STOENOIU, 2007. National trends on agricultural crops production: cluster analysis. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1843-5246, 1843-5386), 63-64: 194 - 202. Link.
  126. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Modeling the octanol-water partition coefficient of substituted phenols by the use of structure information. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (ISSN 0020-7608, 1097-461X), 107(8): 1736 - 1744. Link.
  127. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Margareta E. PODAR, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Thermal energy efficiency analysis for residential buildings. EUROCON, 2007. The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool" (ISBN 1-4244-0813-X), 2007: 2009 - 2014. DOI 10.1109/EURCON.2007.4400261. Link.
  128. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Research policy via funding allocation analysis. The International Management Education Conference 2007 Proceedings (ISBN 978-983-3759-19-4), 2007(10): a3 - 7p. Link.
  129. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Linking assessment to e-learning in microbiology and toxicology for undergraduate students. EUROCON, 2007. The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool" (ISBN 1-4244-0813-X), 2007: 2447 - 2452. DOI 10.1109/EURCON.2007.4400369. Link.
  130. [article in proceeding] Dan ILINA, Monica P. FODOR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. The control of the infrastructure of the rural water wells in the plain area. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 64(1-2): 628 - 633. Link.
  131. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Ioan ABRUDAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Romanian higher education: modelling evolution tendencies. The International Management Education Conference 2007 Proceedings (ISBN 978-983-3759-19-4), 2007(10): a2 - 6p. Link.
  132. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Ioan ABRUDAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Time series of agricultural sciences higher education in Romania. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 64(1-2): 543 - 547. Link.
  133. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Structure-property based model estimation of alkanes boiling points. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [4: 48 - 48]. Invited lecture, presented on August 13, from 18.30 to 19.00. Link
  134. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Solvent mixtures tool for separation of biological active compounds. Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry; September 19-23; Sunny Beach, Bulgaria [4: 127 - 127]. Link
  135. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Similarities analysis on hydroxyapatite-Zirconia composites. Annual Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society; September 10-14; Herceg Novi, Montenegro (ISBN 978-86-80321-11-0) [9: 64 - 64]. Link
  136. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Modelling the inhibitory activity on carbonic anhydrase I of some substituted thiadiazole- and thiadiazoline-disulfonamides: integration of structure information. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering; May 27-30; Bucharest, Romania (ISBN 978-0-444-53157-5, 0-444-53158-2) [17: T4 - 212]. Link
  137. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Modeling the property of compounds from structure: statistical methods for models validation. FP6: EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 Specific Support Action; April 19-21; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [:71 - 71]. Link
  138. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Modeling analysis of amino acids hydrophobicity. ChemMod 2007 - Chemical Graph Theory and Molecular Modeling Workshop; October 23-26; Cluj-Napoca, Romania [: 6 - 6]. Link
  139. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Is amino acids hydrophobicity a matter of scale?. Recent Advances in Synthesys & Chemical Biology; December 17; Dublin, Ireland [VI: P2 - P2]. Link
  140. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Data mining on structure-activity/property relationships models. Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference; April 2 - 30; Online, Internet [11: 29 - 29]. Link
  141. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Are confidence intervals for binomial distributed samples an optimization meters?. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [4: 47 - 47]. Invited lecture, presented on August 13, from 18.00 to 18.30. Link
  142. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Cristina M. FURDUI, 2007. Characteristic and counting polynomials on modeling nonane isomers properties. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [4: 234 - 234]. Invited lecture, presented on August 15, from 12.20 to 13.00. Link
  143. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Processes kinetics modeling: a numerical study. FP6: EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 Specific Support Action; April 19-21; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [:72 - 73]. Link
  144. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Molecular descriptors family project and their application on structure-property/activity relationships. ChemMod 2007 - Chemical Graph Theory and Molecular Modeling Workshop; October 23-26; Cluj-Napoca, Romania [: 22 - 22]. Link
  145. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Molecular descriptors family on chromatography. Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry; September 19-23; Sunny Beach, Bulgaria [4: 128 - 128]. Link
  146. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. How to asses dose-response study outcome: a statistical approach. Recent Advances in Synthesys & Chemical Biology; December 17; Dublin, Ireland [VI: P36 - P36]. Link
  147. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mugur BĂLAN, Margareta E. PODAR, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Thermal energy efficiency analysis for residential buildings. Eurocon 2007 Conference; September 9-12; Warsaw, Poland [: 143 - 143]. Link
  148. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Linking assessment to e-learning in microbiology and toxicology for undergraduate students. Eurocon 2007 Conference; September 9-12; Warsaw, Poland [: 258 - 258]. Link
  149. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. A formula for vertex cuts in b-trees. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [4: 233 - 233]. Short communication, presented on August 15, from 12.10 to 12.20. Link
  150. [presentation or poster at conference] Liviu BRÂNDUȘAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Superficial distortion influence on characteristics of the iron-based materials. Annual Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society; September 10-14; Herceg Novi, Montenegro (ISBN 978-86-80321-11-0) [9: 14 - 64]. Link
  151. [presentation or poster at conference] Ioan TĂUT, George ARGHIR, Viorel CÂNDEA, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Mechanical milling: evolution of crystal parameter of Iron powder. Annual Conference of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society; September 10-14; Herceg Novi, Montenegro (ISBN 978-86-80321-11-0) [9: 14 - 14]. Link
  152. [presentation or poster at conference] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Model formulation and interpretation for chemical reactions mechanisms - from experiment to theory. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [4: 511 - 511]. Invited lecture, presented on August 15, from 11.30 to 12.00. Link
  153. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Characteristic and counting polynomials of nonane isomers. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect ISBN 980-973-86211-3-8 p.1 101. Link.
  154. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Virtual environment for continuing medical education. Electronic Journal of Biomedicine (ISSN 1697-090X) 2007(2): 19 - 28. Link.
  155. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Structure versus biological role of substituted thiadiazole- and thiadiazoline- disulfonamides. Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice Universitatea Bacau Seria Biologie (ISSN 1224-919X) 12(1): 50 - 56. Link.
  156. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Similarities analysis on hydroxyapatite-Zirconia composites. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 11(6): 153 - 164. Link.
  157. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Mapping cigarettes similarities using cluster analysis methods. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601) 4(3): 233 - 242. Link.
  158. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. How good can the characteristic polynomial be for correlations?. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 8(4): 335 - 345. DOI 10.3390/i8040335. Link.
  159. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Design of experiments: useful orthogonal arrays for number of experiments from 4 to 16. Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300) 9(4): 198 - 232. DOI 10.3390/e9040198. Link.
  160. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Data mining on structure-activity/property relationships models. World Applied Sciences Journal (ISSN 1818-4952) 2(4): 323 - 332. Link.
  161. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic: a case study. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (ISSN 1814-0556) 3(1): a242 - 8p. Link.
  162. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2007. Communication of results on risk factors studies: confidence intervals. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 6(10): 179 - 187. Link.
  163. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorin HODIȘAN, Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Anamaria D. HOSU, Eugen DARVASI, Teodor HODIȘAN, 2007. Modeling of thin-layer chromatographic separation of androstane isomers. JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC (ISSN 0933-4173, 1789-0993) 20(2): 91 - 94. Link.
  164. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2007. Chromatographic retention times of polychlorinated biphenyls: from structural information to property characterization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 8(11): 1125 - 1157. DOI 10.3390/i8111125. Link.
  165. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Triazines herbicidal assessed activity. Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice Universitatea Bacau Seria Biologie (ISSN 1224-919X) 12(1): 57 - 62. Link.
  166. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. The jungle of linear regression revisited. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 6(10): 169 - 187. Link.
  167. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Structure-activity relationships on the molecular descriptors family project at the end. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 6(11): 163 - 180. Link.
  168. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Results from the Use of Molecular Descriptors Family on Structure Property/Activity Relationships. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 8(3): 189 - 203. DOI 10.3390/i8030189. Link.
  169. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2007. Antiallergic activity of substituted benzamides: characterization, estimation and prediction. Clujul Medical (ISSN 1222-2119) LXXX(1): 125 - 132. Link.
  170. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica M. MARTA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Computer-assisted instruction in evidence-based medicine: a pilot study. HSI, 2008. Conference on Human System Interaction (ISBN 1-4244-1543-8), #5-KF-004103 - 6p. DOI 10.1109/HSI.2008.4581551. Link.
  171. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2008. Reporting results and associated statistics in quantitative genetic studies. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 65(1): 71 - 79. Link.
  172. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Structure-property based model for alkanes boiling points. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ISSN 1311-8080), 47(1): 23 - 30. Link.
  173. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Optimized confidence intervals for binomial distributed samples. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ISSN 1311-8080), 47(1): 1 - 8. Link.
  174. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Modelling analysis of amino acids hydrophobicity. MATCH-communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253), 60(3): 1021 - 1032. Link.
  175. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Cyclicity analysis of amino-acids on type I collagen chains. BUASVMCN. Animal Science and Biotechnologies (ISSN 1843-5262, 1843-536X), 65(1-2): 404 - 409. Link.
  176. [article in proceeding] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Mihai DAMIAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Solar radiation monitoring system. Proceedings of the 36-th international symposium on agricultural engineering: Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering (ISSN 1333-2651), 36: 507 - 517. Link.
  177. [article in proceeding] Mugur BĂLAN, Mihai DAMIAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Ion V. ION, 2008. Study concerning the influence of some working conditions, on the heat pumps performances. Proceedings of the 36-th international symposium on agricultural engineering: Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering (ISSN 1333-2651), 36: 535 - 544. Link.
  178. [article in proceeding] Monica FODOR, Monica ȘTEFU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2008. Tiling of surfaces. AFASES 2008 "Scientific research and education in the air force" (ISBN 978-973-8415-56-0), 1: 747 - 754. Link.
  179. [article in proceeding] Monica ȘTEFU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Molecular hyperstructures with high symmetry. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254; e-ISSN 1843-5394), 65(2): 681 - 686. Link.
  180. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2008. On about what can be done and what cannot be done with genetic algorithms in phylogenetic tree and gene sequence analyses. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 65(1): 63 - 70. Link.
  181. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica M. MARTA, Alexandru LASZLO, 2008. E-learning and e-evaluation: a case study. HSI, 2008. Conference on Human System Interaction (ISBN 1-4244-1543-8), #4-KF-003247 - 6p. DOI 10.1109/HSI.2008.4581552. Link.
  182. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, George A. JÄNTSCHI, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Marcel M. DUDA, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. On about design and implementation of a harvester for French and English marigold. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 65(1): 192 - 197. Link.
  183. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. A formula for vertex cuts in b-trees. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ISSN 1311-8080), 47(1): 17 - 22. Link.
  184. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Model formulation & interpretation - from experiment to theory. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ISSN 1311-8080), 47(1): 9 - 16. Link.
  185. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica M. MARTA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Computer-assisted instruction in evidence-based medicine: a pilot study. HSI'08: Conference on Human System Interaction; May 25-27; Krakow, Poland [R1-S5:0 - 0]. Oral presentation, May 26, 11.20-11.35. Link
  186. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Statistical approach of structure-activity relationships: a case study. Strasbourg Summer School on Chemoinformatics; June 22-25; Obernai, France [:3 - 3]. Link
  187. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Biochemistry versus biomathematics in modelling of biological active compounds. European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Omics Technologies and Systems Biology; September 21-26; Uppsala, Sweden [17: p19 - p19]. Link
  188. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Analysis of collagen type I chains. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [5(1): 84 - 84]. Invited lecture, presented on August 14, from 11.30 to 12.00. Link
  189. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Statistics for QSAR validation. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [5(1): 83 - 83]. Invited lecture, presented on August 14, from 12.00 to 12.30. Link
  190. [presentation or poster at conference] Mugur BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. On-line solar radiation monitoring system, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Workshop on Energy Conservation and Sustainable Energy, Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the Institution Building unit of Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission, TAIEX event RTP 25832; February 13-14; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Invited Plenary Lecture. Link
  191. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica M. MARTA, Alexandru LASZLO, 2008. E-learning and e-evaluation: a case study - oral presentation. HSI'08: Conference on Human System Interaction; May 25-27; Krakow, Poland [R1-S5:0 - 0]. Oral presentation, May 26, 11.00-11.15. Link
  192. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. From mathematical chemistry to quantum and medicinal chemistry. European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Omics Technologies and Systems Biology; September 21-26; Uppsala, Sweden [17: o9 - o9]. Oral presentation, Session 9: Emerging Technologies, Sept.26, 1010-1030.. Link
  193. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. Entropy and energy of substructures obtained by vertex cutting in regular trees. International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing; August 12-18; Plovdiv, Bulgaria [5(2): 216 - 216]. Invited lecture, presented on August 12, from 16.30 to 17.00. Link
  194. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. Embedded molecular geometry and molecular topology approach for structure - activity relationships. Strasbourg Summer School on Chemoinformatics; June 22-25; Obernai, France [:8 - 8]. Link
  195. [book or book chapter] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Evaluarea intervalelor de incredere folosite în studii medicale. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicPres & AcademicDirect ISBN 978-973-744-107-2, 978-973-86211-2-1 p.1 234. Link.
  196. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Structure activity relationships of taxoids therein molecular descriptors family approach. Archives of Medical Science (ISSN 1734-1922, 1896-9151) 4(1): 7 - 15. Link.
  197. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Modelling the property of compounds from structure: statistical methods for models validation. Environmental Chemistry Letters (ISSN 1610-3653, 1610-3661) 6(3): 175 - 181. DOI 10.1007/s10311-007-0119-9. Link.
  198. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Homo sapiens type I collagen: patterns analysis. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 22(1-2): 39 - 46. Link.
  199. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Elena M. PICĂ, Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Statistical assessment of solvent mixtures models used for separation of biological active compounds. Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049) 13(8): 1617 - 1639. Link.
  200. [article in journal] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Mihai DAMIAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Preliminary results on design and implementation of a solar radiation monitoring system. Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220) 8(2): 963 - 978. DOI 10.3390/s8020963. Link.
  201. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Violeta POPESCU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. Toxicity caused by para-substituents of phenole on tetrahymena pyriformis and structure-activity relationships. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN 0717-3458) 11(3): a9 - 12p. DOI 10.2225/vol11-issue3-fulltext-9. Link.
  202. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. Informational entropy of b-ary trees after a vertex cut. Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300) 10(4): 576 - 588. DOI 10.3390/e10040576. Link.
  203. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. A structural modelling study on marine sediments toxicity. Marine Drugs (ISSN 1660-3397) 6(2): 372 - 388. DOI 10.3390/md20080017. Link.
  204. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. A structural informatics study on collagen. Chemical Biology & Drug Design (ISSN 1747-0277, 1747-0285) 71(2): 173 - 179. Link.
  205. [article in journal] Ioan SUCIU, Constantin COSMA, Mihai TODICĂ, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2008. Analysis of soil heavy metal pollution and pattern in central Transylvania. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 9(4): 434 - 453. DOI 10.3390/ijms9040434. Link.
  206. [article in journal] Constantin COSMA, Ioan SUCIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2008. Ion-molecule reactions and chemical composition of emanated gases from Herculane spa geothermal sources. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 9(6): 1024 - 1033. DOI 10.3390/ijms9061024. Link.
  207. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Distribution fitting 3. Analysis under normality assumption. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(2): 698 - 705. Link.
  208. [article in proceeding] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Experimental setup to study the local renewable energy potential and the environment influence on fruits growing. Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering (ISSN 1333-2651), 37: 265 - 271. Link.
  209. [article in proceeding] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2009. (Distribution fitting 8.) Weather monitoring: wind analysis (May, 2009; GPS: Lat. N46°45'35"; Long. E23°34'19"). BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(1): 7 - 9. Link.
  210. [article in proceeding] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica ȘTEFU, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2009. Weather monitoring setup and analysis of air, soil and leaf parameters. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(2): 672 - 679. Link.
  211. [article in proceeding] Monica M. MARTA, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Ioan ABRUDAN, 2009. (Distribution fitting 6.) Key issues in choosing a university. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(2): 816 - 822. Link.
  212. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2009. Distribution fitting 2. Pearson-Fisher, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Wilks-Shapiro, Kramer-von-Misses and Jarque-Bera statistics. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(2): 691 - 697. Link.
  213. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ Carmen E. STOENOIU, Mihaela IANCU, Monica M. MARTA, Elena M. PICĂ, Monica ȘTEFU, Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Marcel M. DUDA, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Ștefan ȚIGAN, Ioan ABRUDAN, Mugur C. BĂLAN, 2009. Distribution fitting 4. Benford test on a sample of observed genotypes number from running of a genetic algorithm. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1843-5246, 1843-5386), 66(1): 82 - 88. Link.
  214. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mugur C. BĂLAN, 2009. (Distribution fitting 7.) Analysis of the genotypes number in different selection and survival strategies. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(1): 58 - 65. Link.
  215. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2009. Subgraphs of pair vertices. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (ISSN 0259-9791, 1572-8897), 45(2): 364 - 371. DOI 10.1007/s10910-008-9411-6. Link.
  216. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Liviu C. BOLUNDUȚ, Violeta POPESCU, Horea I. NAȘCU, Ioan ABRUDAN, 2009. (Distribution fitting 5.) Knowledge assessment: distribution of answers to an online quizzed system. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(2): 680 - 683. Link.
  217. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Distribution fitting 1. Parameters estimation under assumption of agreement between observation and model. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 66(2): 684 - 690. Link.
  218. [article in proceeding] Calin B. DUMITRU, Aristotel COCÂRLA, Adrian I. BRUMBOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Marius L. BAIESCU, Lucian G. TEFAS, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Assessment of pulmonary obstruction by using computer tomography in patients with silicosis. Clujul Medical (ISSN 1222-2119), LXXXII(4): 91 - 96. Link.
  219. [book or book chapter] Monica M. MARTA, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Self directed training in an evidence-based medicine experiment. In: Human-computer systems interaction (Eds.: Zdzislaw S. HIPPE, Juliusz L. KULIKOWSKI). Berlin: Springer. ISSN 1867-5662; ISBN 978-3-642-03201-1, 978-3-642-03202-8 p.193 206. Link.
  220. [book or book chapter] Horea I. NAȘCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Chimie analitică și instrumentală. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicPres ISBN 978-973-744-191-1 p.1 250. Link.
  221. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica M. MARTA, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Molecular descriptors family on vertex cutting: relationships between acelazolamide structures and their inhibitory activity. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 25(3-4): 65 - 74. Link.
  222. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2009. Statistical approaches in analysis of variance: from random arrangements to Latin square experimental design. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 8(15): 71 - 82. Link.
  223. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Comparison of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Model Performances on Carboquinone Derivatives. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (ISSN 1537-744X) 9(10): 1148 - 1166. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2009.131. Link.
  224. [article in journal] Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Doru C. PAMFIL, Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Cătălina I. DAN, 2009. Inheritance of vigour tree in f1 apple interspecific hybrid. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISSN 0255-965X, 1842-4309) 37(2): 70 - 73. Link.
  225. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2009. Hard problems in gene sequence analysis: classical approaches and suitability of genetic algorithms. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (ISSN 1310-2818) 23(2): 1275 - 1280. Link.
  226. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Cristina M. FURDUI, 2009. Characteristic and counting polynomials: modelling nonane isomers properties. Molecular Simulation (ISSN 0892-7022, 1029-0435) 35(3): 220 - 227. DOI 10.1080/08927020802398892. Link.
  227. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2009. Observation vs. observable: maximum likelihood estimations according to the assumption of generalized Gauss and Laplace distributions. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (ISSN 1583-1078) 8(15): 81 - 104. Link.
  228. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2009. Entropy due to fragmentation of dendrimers. Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications (ISSN 1843-7265, 1842-6298) 4: 168 - 176. Link.
  229. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2009. Counting polynomials on regular iterative structures. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 24(1-2): 67 - 95. Link.
  230. [article in journal] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Ioan ABRUDAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2009. Student perception of degree of academic community involvement in academic life. Actual Problems of Economics (ISSN 1537-744X) 11(101): 276 - 283. Link.
  231. [article in proceeding] Vlad DOBRA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Tudor TODORAN, Gabriela BĂLAN, 2010. Comparative analysis of climatic parameters measured in two different locations. Automation in Production Planning and Manufacturing (ISBN 978-80-89276-23-3), 11: 246 - 249. Link.
  232. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Statistics and genetic analysis of quantitative traits using griffing's experimental method IV: a practical guideline. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 67(1): 56 - 64. Link.
  233. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. Diagnostic of a QSPR model: aqueous solubility of drug-like compounds. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520), LV(4): 69 - 76. Link.
  234. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Tendency of evolution supervised by genetic algorithms. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 67(1): 80 - 85. Link.
  235. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Average trends over millennia of evolution supervised by genetic algorithms. 3. analysis of phenotypes associations. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1843-5246, 1843-5386), 67(1): 169 - 174. Link.
  236. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Average trends over millennia of evolution supervised by genetic algorithms. 2. analysis of phenotypes. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1843-5246, 1843-5386), 67(1): 161 - 168. Link.
  237. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Average trends over millennia of evolution supervised by genetic algorithms. 1. analysis of genotypes. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 67(1): 72 - 79. Link.
  238. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2010. The relationship between energy calculations and boiling points of n-alkanes. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520), LV(4): 61 - 68. Link.
  239. [article in proceeding] Ciprian PETRIȘOR, Viorel MITRE, Ioana MITRE, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Adriana SESTRAȘ, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Response of some new apple varieties to natural infection with apple scab, under conditions of excessive rainfalls. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 67(1): 483 - 483. Link.
  240. [article in proceeding] Catalina DAN, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Adriana SESTRAȘ, Doru PAMFIL, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. Heritability and genetic parameters estimated for fruits size in F1 interspecific apple hybrids. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 67(1): 65 - 71. Link.
  241. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Ioan ABRUDAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. The role of the academic community in defining the professional route: students' perception. Actual Problems of Economics (ISSN 1993-6788), 103(1): 277 - 285. Link.
  242. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Distribution of QSARs correlation coefficients. Visualization and Modeling in Chemistry; October 29-31; Split, Croatia [13 - 14]. Link
  243. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. Genetic algorithms: evolution in genetics and informatics. BioArta - Society and Perception of Biotechnology Exploratory Workshop; April 22; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Link
  244. [book or book chapter] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. From molecular structure to molecular design through the molecular descriptors family methodology. In: QSPR-QSAR studies on desired properties for drug design (Ed.: Eduardo A. CASTRO). Kerala: Research Signpost. ISBN 978-81-308-0404-0 p.117 166. Link.
  245. [article in journal] Ticușor CIOBOTARU, Daniel FRUNZETI, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. Method for analyzing epicyclic gearboxes. International Journal of Automotive Technology (ISSN 1229-9138) 11(2): 167 - 172. DOI 10.1007/s12239-010-0022-4. Link.
  246. [article in journal] Ticușor CIOBOTARU, Daniel FRUNZETI, Ioan RUS, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. Method for analysing multi-path power flow transmissions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B - Journal of Engineering Manufacture (ISSN 0953-4054, 2041-2975) 224(9): 1447 - 1454. Link.
  247. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Monica M. MARTA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2010. Binding affinity of triphenyl acrylonitriles to estrogen receptors: quantitative structure-activity relationships. Folia Medica (ISSN 0204-8043) 52(3): 37 - 45. DOI 10.2478/v10153-010-0005-2. Link.
  248. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. State of art in genetic algorithms for agricultural systems. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISSN 0255-965X, 1842-4309) 38(3): 51 - 63. DOI 10.15835/nbha3835455. Link.
  249. [article in journal] Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Catalina DAN, Doru PAMFIL, Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2010. The variability of juvenile period, fruits size and response to diseases attack on F-1 interspecific apple hybrids and the efficiency of selection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISSN 0255-965X, 1842-4309) 38(1): 234 - 240. Link.
  250. [article in journal] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mihai DAMIAN, 2010. Thermal solar collector behaviour in Romania. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (ISSN 1230-1485) 19(1): 231 - 241. Link.
  251. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Recording evolution supervised by a genetic algorithm for quantitative structure-activity relationship optimization. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 26(2): 89 - 100. Link.
  252. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Meta-heuristics on quantitative structure-activity relationships: study on polychlorinated biphenyls. Journal of Molecular Modeling (ISSN 1610-2940, 0948-5023) 16(2): 377 - 386. DOI 10.1007/s00894-009-0540-z. Link.
  253. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. Classical approaches of genetic algorithms and their suitability. Asian Journal of Chemistry (ISSN 0970-7077) 22(3): 2275 - 2284. Link.
  254. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2010. A study of genetic algorithm evolution on the lipophilicity of polychlorinated biphenyls. Chemistry & Biodiversity (ISSN 1612-1872, 1612-1880) 7(8): 1978 - 1989. DOI 10.1002/cbdv.200900356. Link.
  255. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mugur BĂLAN, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2010. Results of evolution supervised by genetic algorithms. Notulae Scientia Biologicae (ISSN 2067-3205, 2067-3264) 2(3): 12 - 15. DOI 10.15835/nsb234873. Link.
  256. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2010. Exact probabilities on confidence limits for binomial samples: applied to the difference between two proportions. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (ISSN 1537-744X) 10(5): 865 - 878. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2010.75. Link.
  257. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2010. Centrality of some cubic graphs on 16 vertices. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (ISSN 0019-4522) 87(12): 1531 - 1537. Link.
  258. [article in proceeding] Vlad T. DOBRA, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Semi-quantitative calibration of PortaLibs 2000 for magnesium. MACRo 2011 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics (ISBN 978-973-1970-54-7; ISSN 2247-0948), 2011: 163 - 174. Link.
  259. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Distribution fitting 12. Sampling distribution of compounds abundance from plant species measured by instrumentation. application to plants metabolism classification. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 68(1): 54 - 61. Link.
  260. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Distribution fitting 13. Analysis of independent, multiplicative effect of factors. Application to the effect of essential oils extracts from plant species on bacterial species. application to the factors of antibacterial activity of plant species. BUASVMCN. Animal science and Biotechnology (ISSN 1843-5262, 1843-536X), 68(1-2):323 - 331. Link.
  261. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Chlorophylls - natural solar cells. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1843-5246, 1843-5386), 68(1): 181 - 187. Link.
  262. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Local using of integrated taxonomic information system (ITIS). BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 68(1): 62 - 67. Link.
  263. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Inference in meteorological data taken from January 8, 2011 at three different locations. MACRo 2011 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics (ISBN 978-973-1970-54-7; ISSN 2247-0948), 2011: 239 - 247. Link.
  264. [article in proceeding] Dana M. POPA, Letiția OPREAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Factor analysis on physical-chemical parameters of wastewater from Medias's treatment plant. BUASVMCN. Animal science and Biotechnology (ISSN 1843-5262, 1843-536X), 68(1-2): 368 - 375. Link.
  265. [article in proceeding] Cornelia NICOARĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Kinetic study of saccharomyces pastorianus (carlsbergensis) multiplication. BUASVMCN. Animal science and Biotechnology (ISSN 1843-5262, 1843-536X), 68(1-2): 362 - 367. Link.
  266. [article in proceeding] Catalina DAN, Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Doru PAMFIL, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. The use of wild species for increasing apple diversity and genetic found. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 68(1): 512 - 512. Link.
  267. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Is simple randomization of compounds in training and test set as good as other methods used in quantitative structure-activity experiments?. Applied Statistics 2011; September 25-28; Ribno, Slovenia (ISBN 978-961-92487-7-5) [: 74 - 74]. Oral presentation, 28st September (1210-1230). Link
  268. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Relative outside humidity - analysis of variance. ES1002 "WIRE", COST Workshop; March 22-24; Nice, France. Link
  269. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Dependence between determination coefficient and number of regressors: a case study on retention times of mycotoxins. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520) LVI(1): 157 - 166. Link.
  270. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Doru C. PAMFIL, 2011. Pearson-Fisher chi-square statistic revisited. Information (ISSN 2078-2489) 2(3): 528 - 545. DOI 10.3390/info2030528. Link.
  271. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Adriana D. BACIU, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Griffing experimental method II: step-by-step descriptive and inferential analysis of variances. JP Journal of Biostatistics (ISSN 0973-5143) 6(1): 31 - 52. Link.
  272. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Predictivity approach for quantitative structure-property models. application for blood-brain barrier permeation of diverse drug-like compounds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 12(7): 4348 - 364. DOI 10.3390/ijms12074348. Link.
  273. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2011. Distributing correlation coefficients of linear structure-activity/property models. Leonardo Journal of Sciences (ISSN 1583-0233) 10(19): 27 - 48. Link.
  274. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Computer assisted geometry optimization for in silico modeling. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 29(3): 11 - 18. Link.
  275. [article in journal] Dana M. POPA, Letiția OPREAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Neural network on photodegradation of octylphenol using natural and artificial UV radiation. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 29(3): 1 - 10. Link.
  276. [article in journal] Anamaria D. HOSU, Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Vasile MICLAUȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. Antioxidant content of three different varieties of wine grapes. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (ISSN 1310-2818) 25(1): 2217 - 2221. DOI 10.5504/bbeq.2011.0005. Link.
  277. [article in journal] Anamaria D. HOSU, Claudia V. CIMPOIU, Nastasia POP, Vasile MICLĂUȘ, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2011. The analysis of different factors affecting the red wines antioxidant content. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISSN 0255-965X, 1842-4309) 39(1): 159 - 164. DOI 10.15835/nbha3915467. Link.
  278. [article in journal] Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Doru PAMFIL, Catalina DAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2011. Possibilities to improve apple scab (venturia inaequalis (cke.) wint.) and powdery mildew [podosphaera leucotricha (ell. et everh.) salm.] resistance on apple by increasing genetic diversity using potentials of wild species. Australian Journal of Crop Science (ISSN 1835-2693, 1835-2707) 5(6): 748 - 755. Link.
  279. [article in proceeding] Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2012. Quantum mechanics study on a series of steroids relating separation with structure. JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC (ISSN 0933-4173, 1789-0993), 25(6): 528 - 533. DOI 10.1556/JPC.25.2012.6.7. Link.
  280. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2012. Distribution fitting 16. How many colors are actually in the field?. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 69(1): 184 - 188. Link.
  281. [article in proceeding] Ferenc GÁSPÁR, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Victor ROȘ, 2012. Evaluation of global solar radiation received by a spherical solar collector. BUASVMCN. Agriculture (ISSN 1843-5246, 1843-5386), 69(2): 128 - 135. Link.
  282. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2012. The effects on sensitivity of the structure-activity models. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; September 20-21; Varna, Bulgaria [: P37 - P37]. Link
  283. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2012. Natural compound extracts diversity among genus. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; September 20-21; Varna, Bulgaria [: P38 - P38]. Link
  284. [article in journal] Ticușor CIOBOTARU, Daniel FRUNZETI, Ioan RUS, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2012. The working regime analysis of a track-type tractor. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (ISSN 1744-232X, 1741-5152) 19(2): 172 - 187. DOI 10.1504/IJHVS.2012.046833. Link.
  285. [article in journal] Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2012. Poisson parameters of antimicrobial activity: a quantitative structure-activity approach. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 13(4): 5207 - 5229. DOI 10.3390/ijms13045207. Link.
  286. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, 2012. A simulation study for the distribution law of relative moments of evolution. Complexity (ISSN 1099-0526) 17(6): 52 - 63. DOI 10.1002/cplx.21403. Link.
  287. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Rodica C. SOBOLU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2012. An analysis of the distribution of seed size: a case study of the gymnosperms. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISSN 0255-965X, 1842-4309) 40(2): 46 - 52. DOI 10.15835/nbha4028168. Link.
  288. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Quantitative structure-activity relationships: linear regression modelling and validation strategies by example. Biomath (ISSN 1314-684X, 1314-7218), 2(1): 1309089 - 11p. DOI 10.11145/j.biomath.2013.09.089. Link.
  289. [article in proceeding] Mugur C. BĂLAN, Tudor P. TODORAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Assessments about soil temperature variation under censored data and importance for geothermal energy applications. Illustration with Romanian data. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (ISSN 1941-7012), 5(4): 041809 - 13p. DOI 10.1063/1.4812655. Link.
  290. [article in proceeding] Monica P. FODOR, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Distribution of molecules by kinetic energy revisited. BUASVMCN. Horticulture (ISSN 1843-5254, 1843-5394), 70(1): 10 - 18. Link.
  291. [article in proceeding] Bernadette E. TELEKY, Mugur C. BĂLAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Anaerobic digestion of straw by lignocellulose degrading bacteria. Analele Universitatii din Oradea - Fascicula Chimie (ISSN 1224-7626), 20: 15 - 21. Link.
  292. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Porphyrin photovoltaic functionalization of the fullerene. Nanoscience in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology workshop; March 21; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Oral presentation, March 21, 2013, 1440-1500. Link
  293. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Linear regression modeling and validation strategies for structure-activity relationships. BIOMATH International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences; June 18-19; Sofia, Bulgaria (ISSN 2367-5233, 2367-5241). Invited lecture, June 18, 2013, 1500-1540. Link
  294. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Artificial photosynthesis: porphyrins-fullerene molecular complex. Virtual Conference on Computational Chemistry "Computational chemistry in the digital age"; August 1-31; Online, Internet [: IP13 - IP13]. Link
  295. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2013. First order derivatives of thermodynamic functions under assumption of no chemical changes. Virtual Conference on Computational Chemistry "Computational chemistry in the digital age"; August 1-31; Online, Internet [: IP16 - IP16]. Link
  296. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2013. Distribution at contingency of alignment of two literal sequences under constrains. BIOMATH International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences; June 18-19; Sofia, Bulgaria (ISSN 2367-5233, 2367-5241). Oral presentation, June 19, 2013, 1620-1640. Link
  297. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Prezentarea și prelucrarea datelor experimentale. Cluj-Napoca: U.T.Press ISBN 978-973-662-912-9 p.1 70. Link.
  298. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. General chemistry course. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect ISBN 978-973-86211-1-4 p.1 439. Link.
  299. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. Chimie fizică - teorie, aplicații și probleme. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect ISBN 978-973-86211-0-7, 978-606-93534-0-0 p.1 158. Link.
  300. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2013. The effect of leverage and influential on structure-activity relationships. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening (ISSN 1386-2073, 1875-5402) 16(4): 288 - 297. DOI 10.2174/1386207311316040003. Link.
  301. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2013. Molecular design and QSARs with molecular descriptors family. Current Computer-Aided Drug Design (ISSN 1573-4099, 1875-6697) 9(2): 195 - 205. DOI 10.2174/1573409911309020005. Link.
  302. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2013. Supervised evolution: research concerning the number of evolutions that occur under certain constraints. Chemical Biology & Drug Design (ISSN 1747-0285) 82(5): 603 - 611. DOI 10.1111/cbdd.12190. Link.
  303. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Radu E. SESTRAȘ, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2013. Modeling the antioxidant capacity of red wine from different production years and sources under censoring. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (ISSN 1748-670X) 267360 - 7p. DOI 10.1155/2013/267360. Link.
  304. [article in proceeding] Monica G. HĂȘMĂȘANU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2014. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions and their use in biological sciences. BUASVMCN. Veterinary Medicine (ISSN 1843-5270, 1843-5378), 71(1): 114 - 123. Link.
  305. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Mircea V. DIUDEA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2014. Parameterizing the influence of the atom type on highly symmetry structures. MolMod 2014 - Molecular Modeling in Chemistry and Biochemistry; November 13-15; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Oral presentation, November 13, 2014, 1735‐1750. Link
  306. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2014. Monovalent ions dissolved in water. MolMod 2014 - Molecular Modeling in Chemistry and Biochemistry; November 13-15; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Oral presentation, November 13, 2014, 1540‐1610. Link
  307. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2014. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of predictive models on phenols toxicity. Journal of Computational Science (ISSN 1877-7503) 5(3): 345 - 350. DOI 10.1016/j.jocs.2013.10.003. Link.
  308. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Daniela D. ROȘCA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2014. Structure-activity relationships from natural evolution. MATCH-Communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) 71(1): 149 - 172. Link.
  309. [article in journal] Monica G. HĂȘMĂȘANU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Gabriela C. ZAHARIE, Tudor C. DRUGAN, 2014. Design and implementation of data collection instruments for neonatology research. Applied Medical Informatics (ISSN 1224-5593, 2067-7855) 35(4): 35 - 44. Link.
  310. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2014. Rarefaction on natural compound extracts diversity among genus. Journal of Computational Science (ISSN 1877-7503) 5(3): 363 - 367. DOI 10.1016/j.jocs.2013.08.002. Link.
  311. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2014. First order derivatives of thermodynamic functions under assumption of no chemical changes revisited. Journal of Computational Science (ISSN 1877-7503) 5(4): 597 - 602. DOI 10.1016/j.jocs.2013.12.006. Link.
  312. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. Shannon's entropy usage as statistic. 2nd International Electronic Conference on Entropy and Its Applications (ISSN 0000-0000), 2: B001 - 14p. DOI 10.3390/ecea-2-B001. Link.
  313. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2015. Full factorial analysis on one-cage pentagonal faced nanostructures. Virtual Conference on Computational Chemistry (VCCC-2015); August 1-31; Online, Internet [: 11 - 11]. Link
  314. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. Maximum Likelihood Estimation in determination of power of the error in bivariate linear models involving generalized Gauss-Laplace distributed variables. Virtual Conference on Computational Chemistry (VCCC-2015); August 1-31; Online, Internet [: 5 - 5]. Link
  315. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. Agreement between Observation and Theoretical Model: Anderson Darling Statistic. 30th Anniversary Conference organized by Journal of Official Statistics [: H3 - H3]. Link
  316. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. General chemistry laboratory activities. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect 978-606-93534-1-7 p.1 109. Link.
  317. [book or book chapter] Liviu C. BOLUNDUȚ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. Activități de laborator de chimie generală. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect 978-606-93534-2-4 p.1 111. Link.
  318. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. Distribution on contingency of alignment of two literal sequences under constrains. Acta Biotheoretica (ISSN 0001-5342, 1572-8358) 63(1): 55 - 69. DOI 10.1007/s10441-014-9243-7. Link.
  319. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Alina C. COZMA, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2015. Inside of the linear relation between dependent and independent variables. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (ISSN 1748-670X, 1748-6718) 360752 - 11p. DOI 10.1155/2015/360752. Link.
  320. [article in journal] Alexandra M. HÂRȘA, Teodora E. HÂRȘA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mircea V. DIUDEA, 2015. QSAR study on testosterone derivatives. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN 0975-7384) 7(3): 2281 - 2295. Link.
  321. [article in proceeding] Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Correlation study among boiling temperature and heat of vaporization. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520), 61(1): 223 - 234. Link.
  322. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Molecular modeling in compounds series with descriptors families. Analele Universitatii din Oradea - Fascicula Chimie (ISSN 1224-7626), 23: 5 - 14. Link.
  323. [article in proceeding] Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mihaela L. UNGUREȘAN, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Models of monovalent ions dissolved in water. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520), 61(1): 151 - 162. Link.
  324. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Molecular modeling in compounds series with descriptors families [presentation]. International Conference on Sciences; May 13-14; Oradea, Romania. Invited presentation, (Friday) May 13, 2016, 900-930. Link
  325. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Extending characteristic polynomial from graphs to molecules. International Conference on Sciences; May 13-14; Oradea, Romania. Oral presentation, (Friday) May 13, 2016, 1500-1520. Link
  326. [book or book chapter] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2016. Chapter 21. Counting distance and counting Szeged on distance polynomials in assessment of dodecahedron nano-assemblies. In: Carbon materials: chemistry and physics Vol. 9 As: Distance, symmetry, and topology in carbon nanomaterials (Eds.: Ali R. ASHRAFI, Mircea V. DIUDEA), Cham: Springer. ISSN 1875-0745; ISBN 978-3-319-31582-9, 978-3-319-31584-3 p.391 408. Link.
  327. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Dušanka JANEŽIC, 2016. Chapter 23. Cyclic carbon polyynes. In: Carbon materials: chemistry and physics Vol. 9 As: Distance, symmetry, and topology in carbon nanomaterials (Eds.: Ali R. ASHRAFI, Mircea V. DIUDEA), Cham: Springer. ISSN 1875-0745; ISBN 978-3-319-31582-9, 978-3-319-31584-3 p.423 436. Link.
  328. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2016. Experimete și teste de chimie generală. Cluj-Napoca: AcademicDirect 978-606-93534-3-1 p.1 171. Link.
  329. [article in journal] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2016. Nano-quantitative structure-property relationship modeling on C42 fullerene isomers. Journal of Chemistry (ISSN 2090-9063, 2090-9071) 2016: 1791756 - 8p. DOI 10.1155/2016/1791756. Link.
  330. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Szeged Matrix Property Indices as descriptors to characterize fullerenes. Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry (ISSN 1583-2430, 2286-038X) 27(2): 73 - 80. DOI 10.1515/auoc-2016-0010. Link.
  331. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Study of geometrical shaping of linear chained polymers stabilized as helixes. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520) 61(4): 131 - 145. Link.
  332. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Donatella BÁLINT, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Multiple linear regressions by maximizing the likelihood under assumption of generalized Gauss-Laplace distribution of the error. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (ISSN 1748-670X, 1748-6718) 8578156 - 8p. DOI 10.1155/2016/8578156. Link.
  333. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Donatella BÁLINT, Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2016. Elemental factorial study on one-cage pentagonal faces nanostructure congeners. Materials Discovery (ISSN 2352-9245) 5: 14 - 21. DOI 10.1016/ Link.
  334. [presentation or poster at conference] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2017. Helical structure of linear homopolymers by examples. RoPM&AM 2017; September 17-20; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Poster. Link
  335. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2017. Extending Characteristic Polynomial for Characterization of C20 Fullerene Congeners. RoPM&AM 2017; September 17-20; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Presentation. Link
  336. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2017. Geometry optimization of nC24 cyclic polyyne cluster. Bio-Nano-Math-Chem 2017; June 28-30; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Oral presentation, (Thursday) June 29, 900‐930. Link
  337. [presentation or poster at conference] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2017. Conformational study of C24 cyclic polyyne clusters. RoPM&AM 2017; September 17-20; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Presentation. Link
  338. [book or book chapter] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2017. Chapter 4. Characteristic polynomial in assessment of carbon-nano structures. In: Sustainable nanosystems development, properties, and applications (Eds.: Mihai V. PUTZ, Marius C. MIRICA). Hershey: IGI Global ISBN 978-1-5225-0492-4, 978-1-5225-0493-1 p.122 147. Link.
  339. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2017. Performances of Shannon’s Entropy Statistic in Assessment of Distribution of Data. Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry (ISSN 1583-2430, 2286-038X) 28(2): 30 - 42. DOI 10.1515/auoc-2017-0006. Link.
  340. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2017. Property-property relationships for monosaccharides. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520) 62(2): 33 - 48. DOI 10.24193/subbchem.2017.2.03. Link.
  341. [article in journal] Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Cornelia CRĂCIUNAȘ, 2017. Molecular level investigation of staphylococci's resistance mechanisms to antibiotics. Notulae Scientia Biologicae (ISSN 2067-3205, 2067-3264) 9(3): 307 - 314. DOI 10.15835/nsb9310153. Link.
  342. [article in journal] Dan M. JOIȚA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2017. Extending the Characteristic Polynomial for Characterization of C20 Fullerene Congeners. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 5(4): 84 - 12p. DOI 10.3390/math5040084. Link.
  343. [article in proceeding] Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2018. Helical structure of linear homopolymers. Materials Research Proceedings (ISBN 978-1-945291-98-2, 978-1-945291-99-9; ISSN 2474-3941, 2474-395X), 8: 35 - 51. DOI 10.21741/9781945291999-5. Link.
  344. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2018. Conformational study of C24 cyclic polyyne clusters. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (ISSN 0020-7608, 1097-461X) 118: e25614 - 10p. DOI 10.1002/qua.25614. Link.
  345. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2018. Computation of probability associated with Anderson-Darling statistic. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 6(6): 88 - 17p. DOI 10.3390/math606008. Link.
  346. [article in journal] Alina C. COZMA, Adriana GROZAV, Ioan C. TARCA, Valentin ZAHARIA, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2018. Understanding the chromatographic properties and cytotoxicity of hidrazinoselenazole compounds by computational study. Revista de Chimie (ISSN 2537-5733, 1582-9049) 69(4): 777 - 782. DOI 10.37358/RC.18.4.6199. Link.
  347. [article in journal] Adriana F. SESTRAȘ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2018. Using the Griffing's experimental design method I, model II. Apple breeding - a case study as a proposed methodology of the statistical and genetic analysis. Genetika (ISSN 0534-0012, 1820-6069) 50(1): 107 - 120. DOI 10.2298/GENSR1801107S. Link.
  348. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. The eigenproblem translated for alignment of molecules. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 11(8): 1027 - 8p.+4p. DOI 10.3390/sym11081027. Link.
  349. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. Structure-property relationships for solubility of monosaccharides. Applied Water Science (ISSN 2190-5495) 9(2): 38 - 11p. DOI 10.1007/s13201-019-0912-1. Link.
  350. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. A test detecting the outliers for continuous distributions based on the cumulative distribution function of the data being tested. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 11(6): 835 - 15p.+7p. DOI 10.3390/sym11060835. Link.
  351. [article in journal] Janak R. SHARMA, Sunil KUMAR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. On a class of optimal fourth order multiple root solvers without using derivatives. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 11(12): 1452 - 14p. DOI 10.3390/sym11121452. Link.
  352. [article in journal] Janak R. SHARMA, Deepak KUMAR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. On a reduced cost higher order Traub-Steffensen-like method for nonlinear systems. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 11(7): 891 - 20p. DOI 10.3390/sym11070891. Link.
  353. [article in journal] Donatella BÁLINT, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. Missing data calculation using the antioxidant activity in selected herbs. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 11(6): 779 - 10p.+6p. DOI 10.3390/sym11060779. Link.
  354. [article in journal] Deepak KUMAR, Janak R. SHARMA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2019. Convergence analysis and complex geometry of an efficient derivative-free iterative method. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 7(10): 919 - 11p. DOI 10.3390/math7100919. Link.
  355. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Daniela D. ROȘCA (Eds.), 2020. Numerical Methods. Basel: MDPI. ISBN 978-3-03943-318-6, 978-3-03943-319-3 p.1 184. Link.
  356. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Beata SZEFLER (Eds.), 2020. Applied Designs in Chemical Structures with High Symmetry. Basel: MDPI. ISBN 978-3-03936-571-5, 978-3-03936-572-2 p.1 166. Link.
  357. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 7. Characteristic Polynomial. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 2: Topological Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9, 978-1-77188-778-6, 978-0-36707-782-2, 978-0-42902-294-4 p.95 118. Link.
  358. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 28. Nanoporous Carbon. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 2: Topological Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9, 978-1-77188-778-6, 978-0-36707-782-2, 978-0-42902-294-4 p.315 327. Link.
  359. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 25. Radiation (Induced) Synthesis.. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 3: Sustainable Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9, 978-1-77188-779-3, 978-0-36707-782-2, 978-0-42902-295-1 p.367 379. Link.
  360. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 25. Mechano(-)Synthesis. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 2: Topological Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9 / 978-1-77188-778-6, eISBN 978-0-36707-782-2 / 978-0-42902-294-4 p.291 297. Link.
  361. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 2. Biopolymers. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 3: Sustainable Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9, 978-1-77188-779-3, 978-0-36707-782-2, 978-0-42902-295-1 p.25 49. Link.
  362. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 15. Families of Molecular Descriptors. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 1: Structural Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9, 978-1-77188-777-9, 978-0-36707-782-2, 978-0-42902-293-7 p.143 169. Link.
  363. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Chapter 10. Counting Polynomials. In: New Frontiers in Nanochemistry: Concepts, Theories, and Trends Volume 2: Topological Nanochemistry (Ed.: Mihai V. PUTZ). Burlington: Apple Academic Press ISBN 978-1-77188-780-9 / 978-1-77188-778-6, eISBN 978-0-36707-782-2 / 978-0-42902-294-4 p.141 148. Link.
  364. [article in journal] Sunil KUMAR, Deepak KUMAR, Janak R. SHARMA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2020. A family of derivative free optimal fourth order methods for computing multiple roots. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 12(12):1969 - 10p. DOI 10.3390/sym12121969. Link.
  365. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2020. Detecting extreme values with order statistics in samples from continuous distributions. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 8(2): 216 - 21p.+21p. DOI 10.3390/math8020216. Link.
  366. [article in journal] Janak R. SHARMA, Sunil KUMAR, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2020. On derivative free multiple-root finders with optimal fourth order convergence. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 8(7): 1091 - 15p. DOI 10.3390/math8071091. Link.
  367. [article in journal] Dušanka JANEŽIC, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, 2020. Sugars and sweeteners: structure, properties and in silico modeling. Current Medicinal Chemistry (ISSN 0929-8673, 1875-533X) 27(1): 5 - 22. DOI 10.2174/0929867325666180926144401. Link.
  368. [article in journal] Deepak KUMAR, Janak R. SHARMA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2020. A novel family of efficient weighted-Newton multiple root iterations. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 12(9): 1494 - 13p. DOI 10.3390/sym12091494. Link.
  369. [book or book chapter] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ (Eds.), 2021. Symmetry in Applied Mathematics. Basel: MDPI. ISBN 978-3-03943-791-7, 978-3-03943-792-4 p.1 244. Link.
  370. [article in journal] Mihaela A. TOMESCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Doina I. ROTARU, 2021. Figures of graph partitioning by counting, sequence and layer matrices. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 9(12): 1419 - 25p. DOI 10.3390/math9121419. Link.
  371. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2021. Formulas, algorithms and examples for binomial distributed data confidence interval calculation: excess risk, relative risk and odds ratio. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 9(19): 2506 - 24p. DOI 10.3390/math9192506. Link.
  372. [article in journal] Donatella BÁLINT, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2021. Comparison of molecular geometry optimization methods based on molecular descriptors. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 9(22): 2855 - 12p. DOI 10.3390/math9222855. Link.
  373. [article in journal] Deepak KUMAR, Sunil KUMAR, Janak R. SHARMA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2021. Convergence analysis and dynamical nature of an efficient iterative method in Banach spaces. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 9(19): 2510 - 16p. DOI 10.3390/math9192510. Link.
  374. [article in journal] Dan M. JOIȚA, Mihaela A. TOMESCU, Donatella BÁLINT, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2021. An application of the eigenproblem for biochemical similarity. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 13(10): 1849 - 29p. DOI 10.3390/sym13101849. Link.
  375. [article in journal] Sunil KUMAR, Jai BHAGWAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Optimal derivative-free one-point algorithms for computing multiple zeros of nonlinear equations. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 14(09): 1881 - 12p. DOI 10.3390/sym14091881. Link.
  376. [article in journal] Marius D. ROMAN, Cornel SAVA, Dana A. ILUȚIU-VARVARA, Roxana MARE, Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Elena M. PICĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Biological activated sludge from wastewater treatment plant before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601) 19(18): 11323 - 27+2p. DOI 10.3390/ijerph191811323. Link.
  377. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Modelling of acids and bases revisited. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia (ISSN 1224-7154, 2065-9520) 66(4): 73 - 92. DOI 10.24193/subbchem.2022.4.05. Link.
  378. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Energetics of C8B8N8, N12B12, and C24 Macrocycles and Two [4]Catenanes. Foundations (ISSN 2673-9321) 2(3): 781 - 798. DOI 10.3390/foundations2030053. Link.
  379. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Binomial distributed data confidence interval calculation: Formulas, algorithms and examples. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 14(6): 1104 - 17p. DOI 10.3390/sym14061104. Link.
  380. [article in journal] Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Cornelia BRAICU, Dezső MÓDOS, Maria A. JURJ, Lajos Z. RADULY, Oana ZĂNOAGĂ, Lorand MAGDO, Roxana COJOCNEANU, Sergiu PAȘCA, Cristian MOLDOVAN, Alin I. MOLDOVAN, Adrian B. ȚIGU, Eugen GURZĂU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Andreas BENDER, Ioana BERINDAN-NEAGOE, 2022. Targeting cell death mechanism specifically in triple negative breast cancer cell lines. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) 23(9): 4784 - 24+4p. DOI 10.3390/ijms23094784. Link.
  381. [editorial] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Postface for Applied Designs in Chemical Structures with High Symmetry. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 14(10): 2044 - 5p. DOI 10.3390/sym14102044. Link.
  382. [editorial] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2022. Introducing structural symmetry and asymmetry implications in development of recent pharmacy and medicine. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 14(8): 1674 - 4p. DOI 10.3390/sym14081674. Link.
  383. [article in proceeding] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Potential of Electrical Cells: the Effect of the Experimental Design on the Results. ICCEP, 2023. 8th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power. Renewable Energy Resources Impact (ISBN 979-8-3503-4838-5, eISBN 979-8-3503-4837-8, ISSN 2471-6189), (2): 622 - 629. DOI 10.1109/ICCEP57914.2023.10247384. Link.
  384. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Simultaneous Determinations for the Internal Resistance of Three Batteries. Three Analytical Methods Involved. MPS, 2023. 10th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (eISBN 979-8-3503-2682-6), #P-146 - 5p. DOI 10.1109/MPS58874.2023.10187465. Link.
  385. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Accelerating the convergence in the identification of PV cells parameters. 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2023) (eISBN 979-8-3503-6151-3), 503 - 506. DOI 10.1109/CSCIxxxx.2023.615100a503. Link.
  386. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. A computer based evaluation system: design, implementation and results on general chemistry. 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2023) (eISBN 979-8-3503-6151-3), 1708 - 1714. DOI 10.1109/CSCIxxxx.2023.615100b710. Link.
  387. [article in journal] Tajinder SINGH, Himani ARORA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. A family of higher order scheme for multiple roots. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 15(1): 228 - 14p. DOI 10.3390/sym15010228. Link.
  388. [article in journal] Sunil KUMAR, Janak R. SHARMA, Jai BHAGWAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Numerical solution of nonlinear problems with multiple roots using derivative-free algorithms. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 15(6): 1249 - 18p. DOI 10.3390/sym15061249. Link.
  389. [article in journal] Sunil KUMAR, Jai BHAGWAN, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Numerical simulation of multiple roots of Van der Waals and CSTR problems with derivative-free technique. AIMS Mathematics (ISSN 2473-6988) 8(6): 14288-14299 - 12p. DOI 10.3934/math.2023731. Link.
  390. [article in journal] Munish KANSAL, Manpreet KAUR, Litika RANI, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. A cubic class of iterative procedures for finding the generalized inverses. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 11(13): 3031 - 17p. DOI 10.3390/math11133031. Link.
  391. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Symmetry in regression analysis - perpendicular offsets - the case of a photovoltaic cell. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 15(4): 948 - 16p. DOI 10.3390/sym15040948. Link.
  392. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Nanoporous carbon, its pharmaceutical applications and metal organic frameworks. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (ISSN 1573-1111, 1388-3127) 103(7-8): 245 - 261. DOI 10.1007/s10847-023-01194-1. Link.
  393. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Eigenproblem basics and algorithms. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 15(11), 2046 - 23p. DOI 10.3390/sym15112046. Link.
  394. [article in journal] Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, David S. BAILEY, Andrei C. GRĂDINARU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. The biochemistry and effectiveness of antioxidants in food, fruits, and marine algae. Antioxidants (ISSN 2076-3921) 12(4): 860 - 32p. DOI 10.3390/antiox12040860. Link.
  395. [article in journal] G THANGKHENPAU, Sunil PANDAY, Shubham K. MITTAL, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Novel Parametric Families of with and without Memory Iterative Methods for Multiple Roots of Nonlinear Equations. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 11(9): 2036 - 18p. DOI 10.3390/math11092036. Link.
  396. [article in journal] G THANGKHENPAU, Sunil PANDAY, Liviu C. BOLUNDUȚ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Efficient families of multi-point iterative methods and their self-acceleration with memory for solving nonlinear equations. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 15(8): 1546 - 20p. DOI 10.3390/sym15081546. Link.
  397. [article in journal] Ekta SHARMA, Sunil PANDAY, Shubham K. MITTAL, Dan M. JOIȚA, Lavinia L. PRUTEANU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Derivative-Free Families of With- and Without-Memory Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations and Their Engineering Applications. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 11(21): 4512 - 13p. DOI 10.3390/math11214512. Link.
  398. [article in journal] Dan M. JOIȚA, Mihaela A. TOMESCU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2023. Counting Polynomials in Chemistry: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 15(10): 1815 - 30p. DOI 10.3390/sym15101815. Link.
  399. [article in proceeding] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Least squares for generalized Gauss-Laplace distribution of the error in certain nonlinear regressions with perpendicular offsets. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (ISSN 2194-1009, eISSN 2194-1017, ISBN 978-3-031-52964-1, eISBN 978-3-031-52967-2), 446 - 13p. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-52965-8_12. Link.
  400. [article in journal] Sunil PANDAY, Shubham K. MITTAL, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. A New Adaptive Eleventh-Order Memory Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Equations. Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) 12(12): 1809 - 14p. DOI 10.3390/math12121809. Link.
  401. [article in journal] Sunil KUMAR, Janak Raj SHARMA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Optimal fourth-order methods for multiple zeros: Design, convergence analysis and applications. Axioms (ISSN 2075-1680) 13(3): 143 - 12p. DOI 10.3390/axioms13030143. Link.
  402. [article in journal] Munish KANSAL, Vanita SHARMA, Pallvi SHARMA, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. A globally convergent iterative method for matrix sign function and its application for determining the eigenvalues of a matrix pencil. Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994) 16(4), 481 - 17p. DOI 10.3390/sym16040481. Link.
  403. [article in journal] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, Mohamed LOUZAZNI, 2024. Accelerating Convergence for the Parameters of PV Cell Models. Mathematical and Computational Applications (ISSN 2297-8747) 29(1): 4 - 28p. DOI 10.3390/mca29010004. Link.
  404. [article in journal] G THANGKHENPAU, Sunil PANDAY, Bhavna PANDAY, Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Generalized high-order iterative methods for solutions of nonlinear systems and their applications. AIMS Mathematics (ISSN 2473-6988) 9(3): 6161 - 6182. DOI 10.3934/math.2024301. Link.
  405. [article in journal] Cornel SAVA, Dana A. ILUȚIU-VARVARA, Roxana MARE, Marius D. ROMAN, Simona RADA, Elena M. PICĂ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Physico-chemical characterization and possible uses of sludge processed from an urban sewage treatment plant. Heliyon (ISSN 2405-8440) 10(8), e29576 - 32p. DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29576. Link.
  406. [article in journal] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Mihai V. PUTZ, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Is triple crossed C28 cyclic polyyne cluster a stable conformation?. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures (ISSN 1536-383X, 1536-4046) 32(1): 55 - 67. DOI 10.1080/1536383X.2023.2261573. Link.
  407. [article in journal] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Sustainable development of the economy - a case study of the impacts of the size of enterprises and factors affecting performance. Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) 16(13): 5376 - 37p. DOI 10.3390/su16135376. Link.
  408. [article in journal] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Circular economy similarities in a group of eastern european countries: Orienting towards sustainable development. Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) 16(4): 1593 - 21p. DOI 10.3390/su16041593. Link.
  409. [article in press] Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Triple crossed 3C26 cyclic cumulene catenane. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures (ISSN 1536-383X, 1536-4046) DOI 10.1080/1536383X.2024.2354721. Link.
  410. [article in press] Eleonora-Mihaela UNGUREANU, Amalia ȘTEFANIU, Raluca ISOPESCU, Cornelia-Elena MUȘINA, Magdalena-Rodica BUJDUVEANU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Extended characteristic polynomial estimating the electrochemical behaviour of some 4-(azulen-1-yl)-2,6-divinylpyridine derivatives. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering (ISSN 1847-9286) DOI 10.5599/jese.2374. Link.
  411. [article in press] Carmen E. STOENOIU, Lorentz JÄNTSCHI, 2024. Analysis of the performance of some economies according to the size class of the enterprises. Acta Technica Napocensis. Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering (ISSN 1221-5872) Link.